
Two Layer Lap Winding
~ Low-loss lamination grade
~ No core-pack welding
~ Individual slot wedging
~ Thermal vent technology
~ Global VPI with rotate cure
The stator core assembly consists of
varnished laminations of cold-rolled
low-loss silicon steel, clamped
between compression plates. The
laminations are supplied in the finally
annealed condition, and are insulated
to reduce eddy current losses. The
core is built around a central mandrel,
to enhance the bore profile. There are
radial ventilation ducts at intervals
along the core length, formed by
spacers welded to laminations, with
similar assemblies at each end of the
core to provide support for the teeth.
The whole assembly is clamped under
pressure within steel core bars welded
to the compression plates.
Segmented Laminations
Ring Laminations
< 130 cm Diameter
10 GE I Power Conversion