
Corrosion & Erosion
Corrosion & Erosion
Crude Unit Overhead heater tubes and lower alloy
convection crossover piping when higher TAN op-
portunity crudes are processed
Periodic piping TML’s and spot UT may be not cap-
ture events that could cause signicant wall loss of
Inaccessible locations generally do not allow for
periodic monitoring
Rightrax permanently mounted sensors provide
recordable, remotely accessible , high quality
documentation of wall condition
See Pages 15 - 18 for general description
Rapidly assess damage mechanism for expedited
corrective actions
Instant RVI diagnosis with experiences can pro-
duce immediate repair/plug/bring in additional
NDT technique decisions
Use of RVI with experienced plant personnel can
greatly reduce outage duration
Inspection provides recordable, indexed, high qual-
ity documentation for review
See Pages 7-8 for general description
10CFR 50.55a requires inspection of the entire
surface area of the containment building
Containment liner and external extended surface
must be inspected in accordance with ASME Sec-
tion XI Subsections IWE and IWL
Auto pan-tilt-zoom functions based on plant ge-
ometry & input grid for recordable, indexed, high
quality documentation with 100% repeatability
Capable of VT qualication with reduced personnel
exposure and increased data integrity
See Pages 7 -8 for general description
Intentional and unintentional stagnant piping legs
and connections may have signigicantly higher
corrosion conditions than existing pipe compo-
Piping TML’s and spot UT may be misleading as to
connection condition
DR and CR images provide measurable, record-
able, remotely accessible, high-quality documenta-
tion of condition
Images can be archived in typical plant Data Man-
agement systems
See Pages 11 - 12 for general description
Crude Unit Overhead lines may suer high inter-
mittent corrosion rates due to crude slate changes
coupled with inadequate chemical corrosion con-
trol application
Periodic piping TML’s and spot UT may be not cap-
ture events that could cause signicant wall loss of
Remote/inaccessible locations generally allow for
periodic monitoring with Crane/scaold access
Rightrax permanently-mounted sensors provide
recordable, remotely accessible , high quality
documentation of wall condition
See Pages 15 - 18 for general description
Phased Array capability in readily portable equip-
Assess damage extent and improved sizing from
eld personnel
Improved inspection productivity in a sharable
Obtain better information for RBI and FFS Evalua-
See Pages 9 - 10 for general description
Nuclear Containment Building: IWE/IWL
Remote Visual Inspection (RVI)
Dead-End Dead-Leg Corrosion
Digital and Computed Radiography (DR & CR)
Crude Unit Overhead Corrosion
Rightrax Installed Sensor (UT)
Naphthenic Acid Corrosion
Rightrax Installed Sensor (UT)
Heat Exchanger Tubing Failures
Remote Visual Inspection (RVI)
Corrosion Damage Sizing
Ultrasonic Testing (Phasor CV/DM)
Remote Visual Inspection provides recordable, indexed,
high quality documentation
Dead Ends/Dead Legs may suer signicantly higher cor-
rosion rates than adjacent piping components.
Crude Unit Overheads may suer severe corrosion due to
crude slate changes/treatment misapplications but require
signicant mobilization preparation for inspection
Crude Unit Convection Cross-Over’s may suer severe cor-
rosion due to crude slate changes to higher TAN Crudes
RVI with experienced personnel can provide rapid damage
mode identication
Phasor CV/DM has Dual Element Phased Array capability
for accurate, rapid damage sizing