
Normal operatingcharacteristics, gecom
These things are normal and
do not indicate a need for service.
::Ji::A wam_ cabinet exterior as the refl_igerafion systen_ transfe_ heat ti'on_ the inside to the outside through
the exterior cabinet walls.
;;Ji::The sound of the high-efficiency compressor m oto_:
_: On No-Frost models, the sound ot wamr dril)ping as it melts fl'om the evaporator and escapes to the drain
pan dtwing defl'ost cycle.
::Ji::On No-Frost models, the sotmd of the tim circulating air within the interior ot the cabinet providing
a consistent temperature throughout.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
Possible Causes
Freezer doesnot Temperature control
operate or Power-On in OFFposition.
Light is not on Freezer is unplugged. Push the l_lu"_completely, into the outlet.
The fuse is blown/dreuit * Replace tt/se or reset the breakel:
breaker is tripped.
if )a(ka-e is holding door/lid ol)en.Freezer Marts/stops Door/lid left open. Check to see l
too frequently Too frequent or too long
door/lid ope,fings.
Temperature control * Sue About the operation of your freezer
set too cold.
Freezer operates Door/lid left open. Check to see if l)ackage is holding door/lid ol)en.
too long Too frequent or too long
door/lid openh_gs.
Temperature control * See About the operation of your freezer
set too cold.
Inadequate air circulation * Sue Preparing to install the freezer
space around cabinet.
2 X 4 ,_(51 mm X 102 ram) under the length ofNoisy operation Floor may be weak, causing Placing ' _ 's
or cabinet vibrates freezer to vibrate when the fl'eezer will hel l) stq)port it and may reduce vibration.
compressor is on.
Cabinet is not positioned A(!just legs (on Upright models). Sue Preparing to
solidly Oil floor, install the freezer Or t/se shims for t/llevell POOl:
Freezer temperature Door/lid left open. Check to see if l)ackage is holding door/lid ol)en.
too warm
Too frequent or too long
door/lid openh_gs.
What ToDo
Moxe the control to a teml)eratm'e setting,.