
ProperUseof Detergent
Use only detergent specifically made for use in dishwashers. Keep
your detergent flesh and dU. Don't put powder detergent into tile
dispenser until you're ready to wash dishes.
Tile amount of detergent to use depends on whether your water is
harder soft. With hard water, you need extra detergent. Wifll soft
water, you need less detergent.
Protect your dishes and dishwasher by contacting your water
department and asking how hard your water is. Twelve or more
grains is extremely hard water. A water softener is recommended.
_¥ilhouI it, lime can build up in tile water valve, which could stick
while open and cause flooding. Too much detergent with soft water
cm_cause a permanent cloudiness ofglasswme, called etching.
You'll find tsvodetergent dispensers on tile OpenCUP
inside door ofyour dishwasher. All wash q_cles
require detergent in tile main cup. Wash (ycles
with t_vowashes will also use tile open cup.
Be sure tile control panel lights are not lit
before adding detergent. Otherwise, the
detergent cup will not close and latch Main Cup
properly. Add detergent then close tile
main cup.
NOTE:To open detergent cup after it has
been closed, simply lure tile detergent cup
handle counter-clockwise until it releases.
A snapping sound may be heard.
Forgetto Add a Dish?
A torgonen dish can be added any time before tile main wash.
:{_()nce tile water cahns, open the door. Steam may rise out of tile
{JAdd torgonen dishes.
to the fro fight.
NOYE:If you forgot to latch tile door a reminder signal will beep
until you do so.