
iili,i i!iHiWi!ii!,ii
Before you call forservice...
Possible Causes
Cloodinesson Combination of soft
glassware water and too much
Water temperature
entering the dishwasher
exceeds 150°F.
What ToDo
This is called etchingand
is permanent. To prevent
tiffs ti'om happening, use
less detergent if)ou have
soft water. Wash glassware
in the shortest (ycle tllat
will get them clean.
Is)wertile water heater
Black orgray Almninum uteI_ils have Remove marks with a mild,
markson dishes rubbed against dishes abrasive cleaner.
Yelloworhrown fihn Tea or coffee stains Remove tile stain by band,
oninsidesurfaces using a solution ot 1/2 (up
blea(ll and 3 cups warm
Betbre cleaning interior
wait at least 90 minutes
alter a cytle tbr tile
beating element to cool
down. Faihtre to do so can
resuh in burns.
An overall yellow or
brown film can be caused
by iron deposits in water
A special fiher in tile xt_ater
supply line is tile only way
to correct this proMem.
Contact a "_vltersotiener
Whitefihnon inside
Hard water minerals
To clean tile interior, apply
dishwasher detergent to a
damp sponge, Wear
rubber gloves. Donotuse
any type of cleanser other
than dishwasher detetgem
because it may cause
foanfing or sudsing.
Cascade _'Automatic
I)ish_wshing Detergent
has been approved t()r use
in all GE dishwashers.