
Step-by-step installation instructions.
Sanitizing Procedures
Tocomplete the installation, do the following
sanitizing procedures.
(}are is taken at the tactorv to kee I) your
water sotiener clean and sanitary: Materials
used to make the sotiener will not infect or
contaminate vour water supply and will not
cause bacteria to tOI'Ill OI" gI'oW. However,
during shipping, storage, installing and
operating, bacteria could get into the
softeuer. For this reason, sanitizing as
tollows is suggested when installing.
NOTE: Smfitizing is recommended by the
Water Quality Association for disinfecting.
I. Be sm'e to complete all installation steps,
including programming the control.
2. Pour about 3/4 oz. (l ½ tablespoons) of
comlnoi_ 5.25% unscented household bleach
(Clorox, I,inco, Be Peel), White Sail, Eagle,
etc.) into the brinewell. Refer to ilhlstration
on page 5.
3. IMPORTANT" Press and hold tor 3 seconds
the faceplate RECHARGE @ button to start
an ilnlnediate recharge. RECHARGEbegins
to flash in the display. The bleach will be
drawn through the water softener and ()tit
the drain. This process takes approximately
2 hours.
4[. If, after sanitization, water fl'om the house
fimcet tastes salty or has a slight cohm this is
a preservative fl'om the resin tank. Turn on
the cold sott water fimcets and drain fl)r a
ti_w minutes or until clear.
NOTE:When the above sanitizing regeneration
is over, all remaining bleach is flushed ti'om the
conditioner and veto" house COLDwater supply
is flfllv soft im m ediatel> However, yam" water
heater is filled with hard water and as hot water
is used, all remaining bleach is flushed fl'om
the system and it will refill with soft water.
When all the hard water is replaced in the
water heater, hot only and mixed hot and cold
water will be fitly soil If you want totally salt
water ilmnediately, after the above recharge,
drain the water heater until the water _tms
it WARNING:,,.t,dod,aiuthe
water heater, use extreme care as the hot
water could cause burns. Turn the water
heater off prior to draining.
Rated Cat)acity* 8,000 grains with 1.8 lt)s. of sah
13,300 grains with 3.8 lt)s. of salt
18,800 grains with 10.2 lbs. of sall
Rated E/liciencv':* 4,330 grains!lb. (a; 1.8 lbs. of salt
Amomu of t ]igh Cal)acity Resin (lbs!( u./1) 33.3/0.64
Resin Tank Nominal Size (in., dia. x heighi) 10 x 21
Service Flow Rate (gt)m) 7
Water Supply Maximum Itardness (gpg) 95
\rater Supply Maximmn Clear Water Iron (t)pm)':** 5
\Vater Pressure IJmits (min.-max. t)si) **** 20-125
Pressure Drop ai Rated Service Flow (t)sig) 8
Water Teml)eratm:e I imiis (min.-max. OF) 40-120
Maximum Flow Rate to Drain (gq)m) 2.2
This system conh)rms to NSFiANSI 44 fiw the specifi( capacit_ claims as \efified and substantiated b) test data.
* _l_sting was performed using pellet grade sodium chloride as the regene_ant salt.
** E_cieney J-,_ting is valid only at the lowest sta_d salt dosage and sel_ce flow rate. This softener was e_cien(_
rated according to NSF/-\NSI 44.
_'_"*: Extent of il'On I'('I//<)_dll may \_i with Cl)llditiln/s. The (xlpil£il_ to I'('(//l((' cleal water illln iS stlbstm/tiated I)_
independent labmatol T test data. [se of Diamond Cr}staF' Red-Out' el Supra hen Out will improve iron
remm_ll. Refer to Cleaning Iron Out of the Water Softening Syeten7 section.
***"*' Canada wo_&ing pressme limits: 1.4-7.0 kg/(m _.