Product Manual

4-26 Section 4-4 - Functional Checks
4-4-7 Generic Measurements
NOTE: Different menus are displayed depending on:
• the currently selected Application and Display Mode,
• the selected “Study”,
• and the settings in the Measure Setup -
For further details refer to the Voluson® P8 / Voluson® P6 Basic User Manual, Chapter 13.
NOTE: The following instructions assume that you first scan the patient and then press FREEZE
4-4-7-1 Distance and Tissue Depth Measurements (2D and M Mode)
1.) Press the MEASURE
key and then select GENERIC DIST. on the Voluson® P8 / Voluson®
2.) Select the appropriate item on the Voluson® P8 / Voluson® P6. An active cursor appears.
3.) To position the active cursor at the start point (distance) or the most anterior point (tissue
depth), move the TRACKBALL
4.) To fix the start point, press SET (the right or left trackball key).
The system fixes the first cursor and displays a second active caliper.
5.) To position the second active caliper at the end point (distance) or the most posterior point
(tissue depth), move the TRACKBALL
6.) To complete the measurement, press SET.
The system displays the distance or tissue depth value in the measurement results window.
Before you complete a measurement:
To toggle between active calipers, or to re-adjust the traced line, press the upper trackball key.
To erase results, press the CLEAR ALL
key on the control panel or the DELETE STUDY. on the
NOTE: To alternate the control from one cursor to the other, press CHANGE
(the upper trackball key).
To re-adjust a traced line, press UNDO
(the upper trackball key) repeatedly.
General remarks to perform Generic Measurements:
By pressing the MEASURE key on the control panel the Generic Measurement function is switched
Positioning of measurement marks is done with the TRACKBALL
Entering and storage of measuring marks is done with SET (right or left trackball key).
To change measuring marks before completion press CHANGE (upper trackball key).
Depending on the setting in the Measure Setup, also the FREEZE key can be used for confirming the
last measuring mark of the currently performed measurement.
The status bar area shows the current function of the trackball.
To cancel the measurement of the currently selected item, select CANCEL
on the menu area.
To delete all measurement results of the selected “Study” from the monitor as well as from the
corresponding Worksheet, select the CLEAR STUDY
key on the menu area.
All measurement results will be automatically included in the “Generic” patient worksheet.
To erase measurement results from the screen, press the CLEAR key on the control panel or press
the DEL
key on the keyboard.
To exit from Generic measurements select the EXIT on the menu area, press the CALIPER key or
the EXIT
key on the control panel.