Product Manual

2-6 Section 2-3 - Facility Needs
Section 2-3
Facility Needs
2-3-1 Purchaser Responsibilities
The work and materials needed to prepare the site is the responsibility of the purchaser. Delay,
confusion, and waste of manpower can be avoided by completing pre installation work before delivery.
Use the Pre-installation checklist (provided in
Table 2-6) to verify that all needed steps have been taken.
Purchaser responsibility includes:
Procuring the materials required.
Completing the preparations before delivery of the ultrasound system.
Paying the costs for any alterations and modifications not specifically provided in the sales contract.
NOTE: All electrical installations that are preliminary to the positioning of the equipment at the site prepared for
the equipment must be performed by licensed electrical contractors. Other connections between pieces
of electrical equipment, calibrations, and testing must also be performed by qualified personnel.
The products involved (and the accompanying electrical installations) are highly sophisticated and
special engineering competence is required. All electrical work on these products must comply with the
requirements of applicable electrical codes. The purchaser of GE equipment must only utilize qualified
personnel to perform electrical servicing on the equipment.
The desire to use a non–listed or customer provided product or to place an approved product further
from the system than the interface kit allows presents challenges to the installation team. To avoid
delays during installation, such variances should be made known to the individuals or group performing
the installation at the earliest possible date (preferably prior to the purchase).
The ultrasound suite must be clean prior to delivery of the machine. Carpet is not recommended
because it collects dust and creates static. Potential sources of EMI (electromagnetic interference)
should also be investigated before delivery. Dirt, static, and EMI can negatively impact system reliability.
Table 2-6 Voluson® P8 / Voluson® P6 Pre-Installation Check List
Action Yes No
Schedule at least 3 hours for installation of the system.
Notify installation team of the existence of any variances from the basic installation.
Make sure system and probes have been subject to acclimation period.
Environmental cooling is sufficient.
Lighting is adjustable to adapt to varying operational conditions of the scanner.
Electrical facilities meet system requirements.
EMI precautions have been taken and all possible sources of interference have been removed.
Mandatory site requirements have been met.
If a network is used, IP address has been set for the system and a dedicated network outlet is available.