
7 me Features
Express Cook
Io o?
2 3
7 8 9
2 Enterdefrostingtimel
4 T.rnfoodOverwhen
the ovensignals,
5 PressSTART
(Auto_efmst e_plained
in theseetion on
Convenience FeaturesO
Allows you/o defi'ost tor the
length of time you select.
See the Defi'osting Guide
tbr suggested tim es.
Power level 3 is
automatically set, but
you m_ W change this tbr
more flexibility. \bu m_g
defi'ost small items more
quickly by raising the power
level after entering the time.
However, they will need
nlore tk'equent attention
than usual.
Power level 7 cu/s tile/o/al
defi'osting time ill about
half:, power level ] 0 cms the
to/al time /o approximately
l/3. Ro/am or stir tood
tk'eq uenfl>
At one half of selec/ed
defi'osting time, the oven
signals TURN. At this time,
tllI'n %od Over and break
apart or rearrange pieces
for more even defi'osting.
Shield any warm areas with
small pieces of toil.
A dull thumping noise m_g
be heard during detkosting.
This sound is normal when
the oven is not operating at
High power.
Defrosting tips
= Foods fi'ozen ill paper or
plastic can be defi'osted in
tile package. Tightly closed
packages should be slit,
pierced or vented AFFER
food has partially
defiosmd. Plastic s/ontge
containers should be at
least partially uncovered.
* Family-size, prepackaged
fi'ozen dinners can be
defiosmd and microwaved.
If the tood is in a toil
container, tmnstcr it
/o a microwave-sate dish.
* Foods that spoil easil}, such
as milk, eggs, fish, stutiings,
poultI T and pork, should
not be allowed/o sit out
for more than one hour
after defix_sting'. Room
temperature promo/es
the grt _wthof harm fid
* For more even deti'osting
of larger toods, such as
beeL lamb and veal roasL%
use Au/o Deti'ost.
* Be sure large meals are
corn ple/ely detix)sted
betore cooking.
*When detiosmd, food
should be cool but
softened ill all areas. If still
slightly ic5 re/urn/o the
microwave veU brietl}, or
let it s/and a tow minu/es.