
Slaplesakes,dip or (an(elled (ke(k k#n,. 1%oj'of• original,.....
pu_kase date is _eeded lo oblain servi(e "u_der warranly.
For one year tiom (late of original purchase,
GE will replace any parl in the microwave oven
that tidls due to a detect in materials or
workmanship. During this limited one-year wan'anly,
GE will provkte,fi'ee of charge, all labor and related
service costs to replace the detectixv part.
_3dl_trrant? service _fill be piovided h? our Facto U
Service Centers or h_ our authorized Customer
(;are (`'servicers during normal working hours.
Should your appliance need service, during
_:mant) period or beyond, call 800.(;E.CAI_S
Please have serial and model numbe_ axailable
when calling fin serx@e.
* Service trips to your home to teach you how to
use the product.
* Improper installation, delivery or maintenance.
If you have an installation problem, contact your
dealer or installer. You are responsible for
providing adequate electrical, exhausting and
other connecting facilities.
* Product not accessible to provide required
* Replacement of house fuses or resetting of
circuit breakers.
Replacement of the cooktop light bulbs.
Failure of the product or damage to
the product if it is abused, misused (for
example, cavity arcing from wire rack or
metal/foil), or used for other than the intended
purpose or used commercially.
Damage to product caused by accident, fire,
floods or acts of God.
Incidental or consequential damage caused
by possible defects with this appliance.
Damage caused after delivery.
EXCLUSIONOFIMPLIEOWARRANTIES--Yoursole and exclusiveremedyis product
repairasprovidedin thisLimitedWarranq.Anyimplied warranties,including the implied
warrantiesof merchantabilityor fitnessfora particular purpose,are limited to one yearor
the shortest period allowed by law.
This warran U is exrended to the original purchaser and aW succeeding owner tor products purchased for home
use within the USA. If the product is located in an area where service b} a GE Authorized Servicer is not available.
you may be respoilsible tor a trip chm'ge or you maybe required to bring the product m mlA, lthorized GE Service
Location tor selMce. In Alaska. the win'rant* excludes the service callsm your home.
Some staws do not allow the exclusion _rlimitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the abow
limitation or exclusion may not apply u_you. This warrar _ gives you specific lega! rights, and you r_av also haw
other rights which _a*)h'om stare to store. To know whal yore"legal rights are irl}our stare, consult your local or
state COllSunler alfairs otIice or vour stare's Attol'ne_ General.
Warrantor:"GeneralEh,_Crb:.Company.Ix_ui_ville.KY 40225
06-09 JR
Printed in Malaysia