
Toavoid possib!e burns, place the SheiveSin the desired position
before you turn the oven on.
Theovenhas4ehdf positions.
Before you begin...
The shelves have stop4ocks, so that when placed
correctl? on the supports, the? will stop beR)re cornin_,-
completely out, and will not tilt.
When placing and removing cookware, pull the shelf
out to the bump on the shelf support.
To remove a shel{ pull it tox_vlr(t you, tilt tile ti'ont end up
and pull it out.
To replace, place the end of the shelf (stop-locks) on the
support, tilt up tile ti'ont and push tile shelf in.
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How to Set the Ovenfor Baking or Roasting
Turn tile ()ven Temperature knob to tile
temperature you des{re.
Check food tor doneness at minimum time on
recipe. Cook longer it necessa_),.
Turn the (h_en Temperature knob to OFF when
cooking is complete.
Typeof Food Shelf Position
Angel food cake and A
frozen pies (on cookiesheet)
Bundtor pound cakes B
Biscuits,muffins, brownies, cookies, B or C
cupcakes, layercakes,pies
Casseroles B or C
The typeof margarine will affect baking performance!
Most recipes for baking have been developed using high fat products such as
butter or margarine (80% fat).ff you decreasethe fat, the recipe may not give the
same results as with a higher fat producL
Recipe failure can result ff cakes,pies, pastries, cookies or candies are made with
low fat spreads. Thelower the fat content of a spreadproduct, the more
noticeable thesedifferences become.
Federal standards require products labeled "margarine" to contain
at least 80% tat b_ weigln. Lowtat spreads, on tile ()tiler hand,
contain less tat and rnore water. Tile high rnoisture content of these
spreads aflect the texture and flavor of baked goods. For best
resuhs with )our old favorite recipes, use margarine, butter or stick
spreads containing at least 70% vegetable oil.