
Preheatingand Pan Placement
Preheat the oven lithe recipe calls tot it. To preheat, set the oven
at the correct temperature. Preheating is necessat)" lot good results
when b_lMng cakes cooMes, pastry and breads.
Forovens without apreheat indicator light ortone, preheat I0 minutes.
Baking, results will be better if bakir|g, lxms are centered in the ()veil
as much as possible. Pans should not touch each other or the walls
otthe ()veil. If you need to use t_o shelves, stagger the pans so one
is not directly above the other, and leave approximately 1_'_"ti'om
the ti'ont otthe pan to the ti"ont otthe shelf.
Aluminumfoil maybe usedto
Aluminum Foil
Never entirely cover a shelf with aluminum toil. This will
disturb the heat circulation and resuh in poor baking.
A smaller sheet of toil may be used to catch a spillover by
1 lllO 1 1
p ac" g "t o -_a lower shelt several inches below the food.
You car| also use aluminun_ foil to line tile broiler pan
and broiler gr d. H( wever, you must rooM the toil
tiglnl} to the grid and cut slits in it just like the grid.
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How to Set the Ovenfor Broiling
l'lace tile meat or fish on tile broiler grid in tile
broiler pan.
Follo_ sum,ested shell positions in the Broiling guido.
3, ! Turn the (h'en Ternperamre knob to BROIL.