
iii!! ili iiliil
Aboutthe timefeatures.
Mlo_:s _xm to defrost t_)r a selected length of time. See
the Defrosting Guide tar suggested times. (Auto Defrost
explained in the About the auto feature se(don.)
Press DEFROSTAUTO/TIME t'_'ri(c.
Enter deffosdng dine.
_ t,_-(_ssSTART.
"['liT'l/ fOO(t OV(,17 wtl(_ll ttl(_ (),ell si_/_{ls.
Power level is amomaticallv set at 3, bm can t)e chm_g-ed.
}i)u can deli'ost small items quickly b} raising tl_e 1)ow('r
h'\ el after entering tile thne. Power ]eve[ 7 cuts the total
de/i'osting dine in about hal/:, powerlevel I0 cuts the
total time to al)l)roxin/ately 1/3. Itoweve_;/k)od MII
need l/lore/i:eqllellt attelltion tl/_tll IIS/lal.
At one half of selected (leti'osdng time, the oxen signals
TURN. At tliis time, turn ti)od over and t)reak apart or
r('arrang(" pieces tar more ('v('n deti'osting. Shield an\'
warm areas with small pieces of toil.
A dull thumt)ing noise ma} t)e heard (huJng (teli:osdng.
"Itfis is normal when oven is not ot)eradng at High t)owe_:
Defrosting Tips
Foods/i'ozen in 1)al)('r or 1)lasd( (_m t)(' (h'li'ost('d in
the t)a(kage. Closed 1)a(kag('s sho/fld t)(' slit, t)i('r( ('d
or vented AIZI'ER ti)od h_s 1)_mially defrosted. Plasti(
storage (ontainers should be t)artiall_ ' m_(o_ere(t.
Fmnily-size, t)rel)a(kag-('d/i'ozen di_;ners can be
deti'osted and microw_v('(t. II tl_e ti)od is in a t_)il
COl/t_lil/eK tl?_tllSt('l? it to a i//icl?OW_V('-sat(' dish.
Fo(/ds that spoil (asily should not be allowed u/sit
O/lt /()l" lllOl?(' thrill Oil( hotll" _lll('/" (]('lI'ostiIlg'. [_OOl//
t( rap( ramre plx/m(/tes tile gr(m th of harmfifl bacteria.
For more even (teli'osting of larger loads, such
as roasts, use Auto Defrost. Be sure large meats are
c()mt)letely deli'osted belore cooking.
When de/i'osted, load should be cool but so/tened in
all areas. It sdll slightly i(y, return to the microwave
veT\ kMeflv or let it stand a t('w minutes.