Defrosting Guide
Breads, Cakes
Bread, buns orrolls (I piece) ]/21_1,
Sweet rolls/approx. 12 oz.) 2 to 4 nm_.
Fillets,frozeu(I lb.) 8 to 12 *fire.
Shellfish,smallpieces (1lb.) 5 to 8 mhl. Pla(e block in casserole.Turn o\er
ml(t break ut) after hal/lhe lime.
Plasticpouch- I or2 3 to 7 rim1.
Franks(I lb.)
Steaks, chops and cutlets
3 to 6 nfin.
3 to 6 nfin.
5 to 8 mill.
10 to 16 nfin.
per Lb.
5m 10 rain.
per Lb.
Place unopened package ill O_x_n.
Iet stand 5 minutes after de/i'osting.
Place unopened package ill o_a_n.
Microwave just until ti'anks can be
sel)arated. I,et stand 5 minutes,
if ne(e.ssar), to complete defl:osting.
Turn meat o_er after half tile time.
Use power level f.
['lace unwl_q)lled re(at ill cooking
dish. Turn o_xw after half tile time
and shield warm areas with toil.
When tinished, sel)arate pieces and
let stand to ( Oml)lete de/i'osting.
Chickeu, broiler-fryer
cutup (2½ to 31bs.)
(2½ to 3 Ibs.)
Turkeybreast (4 to 6 IbsJ
16 to 22 nfin.
22 to 28 nfin.
9to 16 rain.
per Lb.
5to 10 rain.
per Lb.
Place wrapped chicken ill dish. Unwrap
and turn over after half tile time. When
finished, separate pieces and microwme
2-4 minutes more, it necessar}: I ,et stand
to finish detix)sthlg.
Place wrapt)ed chicken in dish. Atier half
tile time,/lnwr_l t) and turn chicken eve]:
Shield _r_i_ _]:_'_Swith /oil. Finisft
deti'osting. II necessary, rm/cold water
in tile cavity until giblets can be removed.
Place unwrapped hen in the o_n
breast-side-up. Turn o_w after h_df
the time. Rm/cool water in the
cavity until gJbl,ets can be remo\ ed.
Place unwl_q)ped breast ill dish breast-
side-down. ,\lier h_df tlle tilne, turn o,,er
and shield v,_mn areas wittl toil. Nnish
delir)sting. I,et stand 1-2 hours in
re/i'igemtor to complete de/i'osting.
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