
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct
the problem.
.\F('i_/g iS the !//i(['o_ we tl.['/!! ;_ Metal], stl(h _ls twist-ties,
[b_ sparks in tl/e oven. Ac(il/g t)o/ll|r_ ' pins, or gold-rimined
is erased b',: dishes, ill the ii/icl'ow;4\ e+
Metal or/oil touching tile
side of tile (l_+vn+
Foil not molded to tood
(upturned edges act like
:_ Recycled t/aper towels
containing small metal pieces
being used ill tile nficrowave.
!iIH+ /ii!
I)o not t>op t>ot>eorn ill your
llliel'OW_lVe o_+/'n /lllless in
a stlecial IIliCl'OW_\ e t)ot)corn
accessory or unless you use
t)OllCorn labeled tor use ill
IlliCl'()W}l_+ e O_ ellS.
Sol//e t)ro(l/icts s/ich as
whole egg.', and sealed
(ontainers tot examllle,
closed jar,_--alv able to
explode and should not be
heated ilk this microwa_v
()\'ell. Such btse of the
llliCrow_we oven cot;tld
resuh ill injury.
Do not boil eggs ill a
llliCr()_lVe oven, Pl?eSS/ll?e
will tmikt ut) inside egg y)lk
;_ll/(twill cause it to burst,
possibly resulting ill injm 7.
()pemting the mierowa_v
with no/ood inside tor molx'
thall _1 II/illtlte or tWO Ill}{V
cause dmnage to tile o\'en
and could start a tire.
It increases tile heat around
tile magnetron and call
shorten tile li/_' of tile ()\ell.
Foods with tlnl)roken ()liter
"skill" such as l/otatoes,
hot dogs, sausages, tomatoes,
apples, chicken livers and
other gdblets, and egg yolks
should be pierced to allow
stealil to escape dtlrillg