
!iIH+ lii!
Make smx Ill (ook_are used in
\ollr I//ic['ow r_e o'_ n is s//itAble
{or microw I_dng. Most g:tass
cass_ rol( s, cooki_/g dishes,
///easll_il/g ClipS, c_lsta['d cups,
llottel "}or chillA (/iI/l/el"W;ll"_
which do(s not hae metallic
uim or gl/ze widl a metalUc
sb(en (all I)( //sed. Some
Collkware is Jd/eled _%!/itab/e
{or mic_owmdng?'
ff you are not sure if a dish is
microwa_'-salb, use this test:
Place ill tile oven both the
dish you are testing and
a glass measuring cup filled
with 1 cup of water--set tile
measuring eu 1) either ill or
next to tile dish. Microwave'
30M5 seconds at high. If the
dish heats, it should not be
used tor mierowaving.
ff the dish remains cool
and only the water ill the
(u t) heats, then tile dish is
ffvou use a meat
thermometer while cooking,
make sure it is sa5'/or use
ill microwave ow'ns.
;_ I)o not use l'ec}_led pal)er
tn:oduets. Rec}_led paper
towels, napkins and waxed
t)al)er (an contain metal
flecks whi(h may cause
arcing or ignite. Pat)er
])l'od/IctS ( ontaining llVlOn
or lMon filaments should
be avoided, as they may
also ignite.
:_ Some stvrotoam tra+_:s(like
those that meat is packaged
on) have a thin strip of metal
eml/edded ill the bottom.
When mi( ro_\ ed, the metal
call t)urn the floor of the
oxen or ignite a pat)er tox+_'l.
;_ Do not use the l/liCrowave to
dry newspapers.
:+ Not all plastic wm t) is suitat)le
/or use ill mietx)wa\ e o\ ens.
Check the package tor
] )l?OpeF rise+
;_ Pal)er towels, wm-:ed paper
and plastic wra t) call be used
to cover dishes ill order to
retain moisture and prevent
spattering. Be sure to vent
plastic wl_q) so steal// can
;ยข Cookwal?e lllav t/ecome hot
because of heat translcrred
/i'om tile heated/ood.
Pot holders may be needed
to handle the (ookwat'e.