Owner's Manual

Before you call for service…
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
“LOCKED” (or LOC) The control has been Press and hold CANCEL/
appears in display locked. OFF or about three
seconds to unlock the
Food amount too large Sensor Reheat is for single
Use Time Cook for large
for Sensor Reheat servings of recommended amounts of food.
“FOOD (or food)” For safe cooking “food
You should open the door
appears on display detection algorithm” is to check the food. (For
added to prevent micro- users who place food into
wave cooking without the cavity before selecting
first placing food into the a cooking sequence, the
cavity. Through monitor door switch is read to
the door open/close determine the door has
switch, Food Detection been opened and then
Algorithm control the closed. Upon opening and
initiating a cooking the door, a 5-minute
sequence. count down timer is started
You can then make your
cooking selection prior to the
expiration of the timer.
When 5-timer expires, if you
elect a cooking sequence,
display and an error beep
will sound. Then you should
open the door to check the
food before selecting a
cooking sequence.)