
Yournew touchpad controlhas add_onal featuresthatyou maychooseto use. Thefollowingare the
featuresandhow you may activatethem.
Thespecialfeaturemodescanonlybeactivatedwhilethe displayisshowingthetime ofday.
Theyremain in the control'smemory untilthe stepsarerepeated.
Whenthe displayshows yourchoice,pressthe STARTpad.Thespecialfeatureswillremain inmemory
afterapower failure,except forthe Sabbathfeature, whichwill haveto bemseL
12Hour Shut-Off
ffyou wish to turn off this feature, follow
the steps below.
[] Press the eAKEand BROILHgLOpads
at the same time for3 seconds until
the display shows SF.
[] Press the DELAYSTARTpad until
no ahdn(no shut-off) appears in
the display.
[] Press the STARTpad toacdvate the
no shut-offand leave the control
set in thisspecial features mode.
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Selection
Yourovencontrolisset to usetheFahrenheit
temparatumselectionsbut youmaychangethis
to usetheCelsiusselections.
[] Press the BAKEand BROILHI/LOpads
at the same time for 3 seconds until
the display shows SF.
[] Pressthe BROILHI/I.Opad affam.
The displaywill show C (CeMm).
[] Pzessthe STARTpad.
[] Press the BROILHI/LOpad. The
display willshow F (Fahrenheit).
Control Lockout
Yourcontrolwill allowyouto lockdownthe touch
padsso theycannotbeactivatedwhenpressed
[] Press the BAKEand BROILHI/LO pads
at the same time for 3 seconds until
the display shows SE
[] Press the SELFCLEANpad. The
display will show LOC OFF..
Pressthe SELFCLEANpad again.
The display will show LOCON.
[] Pressthe STARTpad toactivate
the control lockout feature and
leave the control set in this special
features mode.
To unlock the control, repeat steps 1
and 2. Press the STA/O'pad when the
display shows tOC OFF..
When this feature is on and the touch
pads are pressed the control will beep
and the display will show LOC.
NOTE:Thecontrollockoutmodewill notaffect