
Other Features Your Model May Have
7 8 9
Timer ()n!Off operams as
a mimne timer and can lye
used at any time, even
when the oven is operating.
I Press TIMER ()N/()FE
2 E1J,ter [in/e VO/l want to
cotmt down.
3 Press TIMER ()N!()FI "
to start.
When time is Ul), the oven
will signal. To tm:n off the
timer signal, press TIMER
NOTE:The timer indicator
will be lit while the timer
is operating.
In addition t+.>starting man}
_tort-"I .,,. rio.s,s'l;u_r,/l'_XvsE
_ou$_ tllows }'O/ O Sop cooking
_ithout opening the door
or clearing the disl)la }.
4 5 6J
7 8 g
The Reminder/_'ature can
be used like an alarm clock
and c_t+llbe/lse(t at _t+I/V
tilIle, even whell the ()_+tq/ is
operating. The Reminder
time cm/lye set up to
24 hom:s later.
2 Tilter the time VO[l Wallt
the o_en to remind you.
(Be sure the microwave
clock shows the correct
time of da}.)
3 ()n sonle models, select
AM or PM.
4 Press REMINDER. When
Reminder signal occm:s,
press I/EMINDER to tm:n
it oIE The Reminder
time ma_ l>e displayed l>y
pressing I),EMI N DER.
NOTE: The I),EM indicator
will remain lit to show that
the Reminder is set. "Ik)
clear the Reminder beti)re
it occurs, press REMINDER,
then 0. The REM indicator
will no longer lye lit.