
Other Features Your Model May Have ___
_'l_Otl lIl;4V lo(k the (Olltrol
(deo;) t,+,-el,ot,re.e,. {he
koffJ ,,,i,,_ow_,,e_',,,,, bein_
a( ddentall'_ started or
used b'_ children.
To lock or mflock the
controls, press and hold
CI,IL\R/OFF/i)r about
3 seconds. When the
control panel is locked, "I 7
or "I ()C" will be displayed
to the extreme right.
For best cooking results,
lea'_e the turntable o11.
It can be turned off for
large dishes. Press
TURNT\BI +E to turn
the turntal)le on or off.
Solnetinles the turntable
cml become too hot to
touch. Be c_u:etul touching
the turntable during and
a/ier cooking.
])ress tO tilrn the SillT{_l(e
light on or oil'.
()n some models, there is
a night light option.
once/i)r bright light, rwlce
/i)r the night light or tl_ee
times to turn the light off.