
This microwave oven is
intended for household
use and is IlL listed for
installation over electric
and gas ranges.
This microwave oven is
not approved or tested
for marine use,
Read and tollow the
specific "Precautions to
A\oid Possible Exl)osure
to Excessive Microwave
Energy" on 1)_ge 2.
This _lppliml(e must be
groml(le(t. C(mnect only
to properly gr(mnded
outlet. See Grom_ding
Instru( tions section on
[)_ge 9.
I)o not m(mm this
_q)l)liam e o_er _ sink.
Install or lo(_w this
_q)l)lian(e only in
_l(-cor(tan(e with the
provided Installation
hlstrtl( tions+
This o_et:the-range oven
was designed/or use over
ranges no wider dmn 36".
It may be installed over
both gas mid ele(tri(
cooking e(luit)ment.
I)o not ot)eraw this
al)l)liance if it has a
damaged power cord or
plug, if it is not working
t)rol)erly, or if it has t)een
damaged or drot)ped.
If the power cord is
damaged, it must lie
replaced t)v General
Electric Service or an
m_thorize(t service agent
using a power cord/i'om
General Electric.
I)o not cover or block
any openings on the
Llse this at)t)liance only
/or its linen(led use as
described in this mmmal.
[)O not IISe corrosive
chemicals or vapors in
this appliance. This
microwave oven is
sl)eci/ically designed to
heat, dry or cook/oo(t,
and is not intended
/()r laboratory or
industrial use.