
®Do not store this appliance
outdoors. Do not/lse this
llFodHc[ Ileal; watel_
tot examllle, ill a wet
[)aS( l/lell[, near a
swin/ining pool, near a
sink or in similar locations.
o Keep power cord awm
fl_onl heated surli_ces.
®Do not iinmerse power
COlXlor l)l/lg in watel_
* 'Ib reduce tile risk of fire
in file oven cmi|v:
-- Do not overcook
lood. Careiullv attend
appliance when llape C
plastic or other
conlbustible matelJals
are placed inside tile
oven _llile cooking.
-- R('Ino_e _ire twist-ties
and metal hmldles
li'OIl/ i)_qler or plasti(
c()i/taii/ers belore placing
them ill tile oxen.
-- Do not use file o_en
tor storage p/n'llOSeS.
Do not lem e paper
lllz)ducts, cooking
ulensils or lood in tile
ovell Wllell llOt ill use.
-- If inate rials inside o_en
ignite, keep tile oxen
door closed, turn tile
OVCll Oil and disconne€t
tile t)ower cord, or sh/H
off llower at tile Ihse or
circuit breaker panel.
If tile door is opened,
tile thx' may spread.
-- Do not use tile
SeI/SOl; Fe;HIll'l'S Iwi(e iI/
smeession on tile skulle
lood portion. If t;.)od is
under cooked after tile
first (:ountdown, use
7_meCook/i)r additional
cooking time.
®See door surli_ce cleaning
inso uctions ill file Care
and Cleaning section (s)
of this nlan/lal.
®This apllliance must only
be se r\ice d by q/lalified
set\ice tlersonnel. Contact
nearest authorized se r_ice
litcilil}/ill; examination,
l>tlair or a/!j/lstn/ent.
®.ks with any appliance,
close s/qlervision is
neeessar\, when used
1)v !:hildren.
* Do not store anyflling
directly on tot) of tile
l/liCl'ow_lve O\ell S/ll;]ilce
whei/tile l/liCrOWm'e ()veil
is in operation.