
S/aplesa/c_5_l!p or ca_cdh, d du, ck lu'n,. Pmo o ori._q_al
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[_un'hase daie i_ _teeded go obiain service under warra_tly.
J_'or one ve_li' [l?()ll/ (J_tt( O[ ()II_Jl/al ])Hr(h_P;e,
GE will r_pl_u e anypartin the mitrowax_ o_tn
that Jitils due lo a & fix't in tn:m'rials or
x_orlsmanship. I)mJl_g ibis limited one-year warrat@,
(;E will proxqd_,fiz, e of charge, all labor and rdal_ d
serxi( e cosls to/_'place the defi:ctiw part.
Xll _arranw serfiee _ill be prodded b} ottr ,%ctory
Ser\ice Ceilt( l'S or 1)} otlr authorized (/BtOluer
Care _ serdcers dudug normal aorkiug hours.
Should your applianc_ need ser_Jce, dm'ing
warmnl} p(riod or be}ond, call 801).(;1LC.\RES
Please ha\e serial and mod(I tmmbers axailabl(
\d_en calling/i)r serdce.
Service trips to your home to teach you how m
use the product.
hnproper installation, delivery or maintenance.
If you have an installation problem, contact your
dealer or installer. You are responsible for
providing adequate electrical, exhausting and
other com_ecting facilities.
Product not accessible to provide required
Replacement of house fuses or resetting of
circuit breakers.
Replacement of the cooktop light bulbs.
Failure of the product or damage to
the product if it is abused, nffsused (for
example, cavity" arcing from wire rack or
metal/foil), or used for other than the intended
purpose or used commercially.
Damage to product caused by"accident, fire,
floods or acts of God.
Incidental or consequential danmge caused
by possible defects with tiffs appliance.
Damage caused after delivery'.
EXCLUSIONOFIMPLIEDWARRANtiES--Yoursole andexclusiveremedyis product
repairasprovided in thisLimitedWarranty.Anyimpliedwarranties,includingtheimplied
warrantiesofmerchantability orfitnessfora particular purpose,arelimitedtooneyearor
theshortestperiodallowed bylaw.
This waw.-ulty is extended to tile original purchaser and an}"succeeding owner tbr products purch>tsed fi)r home
use _ithin the USA. If the product i.slocated ha an m'ea where se_a'ice by a GE Authorized Seia'icer is nor m ailable.
voa may be responsible tbr a tfip chaig'e or you ma} be requked to bring the product to _,nAudlorized GE Service
Location tbr sela'ice. In Alaska, the wan_anty excludes the service calls to your home.
Sonle states do not allo_ the exclusion or fimitation of incidental or coh_,_quential dalnagra, so the abo\e
limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This wammty giws you specitic leg_alfights, and you ma} also have
other rights _hich x_,_3, ti'om stare to state. To know whm your leg.d fights are m your state, cons_lll your locM Ol
statte consumer al_)irs office or )'our state's Attorney General.
WmTarttor: General Eledrie Company. Louisoille, KY 40225
Printed ill Chi£a