
Make sure all cook_are
used in your microwave
oven is suitable tor
n/icrowaving. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
l//eastll?il/g ClltIS , Cllstard
cups, potter} or china
dinnerware which does not
have metallic u:im or glaze
with a metallic sheen can
be/lsed. Sortie cook_are
is labeled "suitable tor
How to test for a microwave
safe dish
I|vou are not s/Ire il
a dish ixlnicrowa,e-sali'.
ux(+ tt_ix test: Place il tt_(
ovel| l)ol]l the dish ",,(n
;-ire leSllll_t _111(| _1 _l_tss
ulea.suriug cut)/il|ed with
1 cut) (.ffw;tter--xet the
measuril/g CUll either
in or next to the dish.
Microwave 30-45 see(rods
at high. /f the dish heats,
it shouht not tie tlsed lot
If the dish remains cool
and (rely the water in the
CUll heats, then the dish
is microwa_ e-sati'.
If VO/l /lse a l//eat
thermometer while
cooking, make sm:e it is
sat('/()r/Ise ill lilicrowave
Do not use recycled
paper t/roducts. Recycled
paper towels, napkins
aild waxed tlaper Call
contaill metal flecks
which may cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products
contaiifing nylon or
mhm filaments should
be avoided, as they may
also ignite.
Sol//e styro/()al// tr_lvs
(like those that meat is
tiackaged on) time a thin
stritl of metal embedded
in the bottom. When
micro_s_ed, the metal can
l)urn the floor of the ovell
or ignite a patier towel.
Do not use the microwa\e
to dr} newstlatiers.
Not all t>lastic wrap
is suitable/ill: use in
microwave ovens.
Check the package
tor tlrotier use.
Patler towels, waxed
tlat/er and t/lastic wrap
can tie used to (over
dishes in order to retain
moisture and lIrevem
spattering. Be sure to
veto plastic wrat> so
steal// can escalle.
Cookware lilav becolile
hot because of heat
transti'rred/i'om the
heated/ood. Pot holders
may be needed to handle
the cookware.
"Boilable" cooking
t)ouches and tightly
closed plastic bags should
be slit, tlierced or _emed
as directed tiy tlackage.
If they are not, tllasti(
could burst durillg or
immediately atter
cooking, l)ossitily restflting
in ii_jur}. Also, tllastic
storage containers should
be at least partially
m/covered 1)ecause they
/orm a tight seal+ When
cooking with COlmUners
tightly covered with
t>lastic wrap, remove
covering carefllllv and
direct steal// aw_lv Ji'ol//
hands and {hce.