Installation and Maintenance Manual

IV. OPERATION (cont’d)
B. Insulation Resistance (cont’d)
1. Dry the part in an air circulating oven with the air surrounding the part at 110C,
(-15C/+5C) until the part has been above 90C for at least four hours. Then the air
temperature may be raised to 150C, -15C/+5C.
Continue to heat until the insulation resistance is constant for a one-half hour period.
2. Enclose the motor with a canvas or similar covering, leaving a hole at the top for
moisture to escape. Insert heating units or lamps and leave them on until the insulation
resistance is constant for a one-half hour period.
3. With the rotor locked mechanically, and using approximately 10% of rated voltage, pass
a current through the stator windings. Increase the current gradually until the winding
temperature reaches 90C. Do not exceed this temperature. Maintain a temperature of
90C until the insulation resistance becomes constant for a one-half hour period.
C. Steps Prior to Initial Start
1. Do not flush out anti-friction bearings. The bearing grease supplied is sufficient for initial
2. Whenever possible, examine the machine for loose objects or debris which may have
accumulated and remove any foreign material.
3. If possible, turn the rotor by hand to be sure that it rotates freely.
4. Check all connections with the connection diagram. Check all accessible factory made
connections for tightness to make sure none has become loose during shipment.
5. When the driven machine is likely to be damaged by the wrong direction of rotation, it is
best to uncouple the drive from its load during the initial start and make certain that it
rotates in the correct direction. If it is necessary to change rotation, interchange any two
line/supply leads.
Be sure that the motor is not running
and the power supply is disconnected.