
Using the Downdrcfft Sgstem
Downdr(]ft Vent Sgstem
To use the
using the
To r(]ise the downdr(]ft vent, press the ON/OFF
p(]d on the control. The vent will rise.
Press the F(]n Speed HIGHERp(]d to st(]rt the
blower. Adjust the blower bg pressing HIGHERor
LOWER.The blower, if left on, will (]utom(]tic(]llg
turn off when the vent is lowered.
NOTE: For most convenient oper(]tion, set the
blower to the speed gou use most often. The
blower will come on to this speed whenever
the unit is r(]ised.
IMPORTANT:The vent c(]n be (]ctiv(]ted bg
pressing the p(]ds on the switch. Do not use
excessive force or sh(]rp objects to (]ctiv(]te
the switch. D(]m(]ge could occur (]nd void
the w(]rr(]ntg.
CAUTION: Bec(]refulwhenr(]ising
or lowering the downdr(]ft. Besure pots, pot
h(]ndles (]nd other objects (]re cle(]r of the
downdr(]ft (]nd c(]nnot be struck or tipped bg the
downdr(]ft being r(]ised.
NOTE: There is (] slight trim overh(]ng on e(]ch
side of the vent.
. To (]void injurg, be sure fingers (]re cle(]r of the
downdr(]ft cover when it is being lowered.
. Keep h(]nds (]nd fingers (]w(]g from (]11
downdr(]ft p(]rts.
IMPORTANT: If the vent is obstructed bg (]n
object while it is being r(]ised or lowered, it will
stop. Remove the obstruction (]nd press the ON/
OFFp(]d (]g(]in.
Cooking tips
The high (]ir movement of this downdr(]ft
sgstem c(]n incre(]se the cooking times for some
foods. It m(]g t(]ke longer to re(]ch high cooking
temper(]tures if the downdr(]ft is turned to high
right (]w(]g. Adjust the f(]n speed for best cooking
For best results when he(]ting oil for deep frging
or when boiling w(]ter, use the front surf(]ce
units or w(]it until the w(]ter is boiling or the oil
is (]t frging temper(]tures before turning on the
The downdr(]ft m(]g not completelg c(]pture (]11
the ste(]m from p(]ns on the front burners.
When c(]nning foods in (] w(]ter-b(]th c(]nner,
(] gentle but ste(]dg boil must be m(]int(]ined
continuouslg for the required time.
When c(]nning foods in (] pressure c(]nner, the
pressure must be m(]int(]ined continuouslg for
the required time.
Use of the blower on (] high f(]n speed setting
when c(]nning m(]g reduce the temper(]ture
enough to stop boiling. While c(]nning, we
recommend using the downdr(]ft (]t (] lower
speed (]nd using the front surf(]ce unit.