
In theory, the process of designing and building a rugged,
mil/aero subsystem would seem to be fairly straightforward.
In practice, it is an extremely complex undertaking.
We put a lot more than
hardware into each box.
In fact, experience has shown that without
the most careful planning, testing, analysis,
documentation, validation, and support, it
is a process fraught with danger.
GE Intelligent Platforms has vast experience
with designing rugged sub- systems, which
mitigates most of this risk. Our world class
Program Management process is designed
to execute on our core competencies:
Contract Management, Application
Domain Knowledge, System Architecture,
Thermal Management, Integration,
Validation & Verification, Configuration
Management, Engineering Process and
Procedures, Program Lifecycle Management
(PLM), Logistics and Reliability.
So when we deliver a subsystem, there’s a lot
more inside that box than PCB and silicon.