
re and (;leaning
1. Push tile selector switch to OFE
2. X_'ait 5 to 10 minutes fi)r tile ice to fall into
tile storage bin. Remove all ice fl'onl tile
storage bin.
3. Unscrew tile drain cap fl'om tile bottom of tile
water reservoir located inside the storage bin
as shown. _Mlow tile water to drain completel>
Draincap Waterreservoir
4. Replace tile drain cap.
5. Use tile entire 16 oz. bottle of Nickel Safe
Ice Machine Cleaner rather than the
amount suggested on tile bottle. Follow all
safety precautions on tile bottle. Pour one
bottle of solution into tile water reservoir.
Fill tile bottle twice with tap water and pour
it into tile water reservoir.
Nickel Safe Ice Machine Cleaner by Nu Calgon
is available at appliance repair shops, or through
GE Parts and Accessories. Order part number
WX08X49870. In the U.S.A., call 800.626.9002
or visit In Canada, call
6. Push tile selector switch to CI,EAN.
The light will turn on, indicating that the
cleaning cycle is in process.
7. When tile indicator light turns off
(approximately 45 minutes), tile cleaning
cycle is complete. During tile cleaning cycle,
the system will both clean and rinse itself.
8. Atter the cleaning cycle is complete, remove
tile drain cap from tile water reservoir to see
if any cleaning solution, green in color, is left
in tile water reservoir. If cleaning solution
drains fl'om tile water reservoir, you should
_tm tile clean cycle again.
NOTE: Severe scale buildui) may require repeated
cleaning with a flesh quantit}, of cleaning solution.
9. Push tile selector switch to ON to resume
ice production.
For best i)erflwmance, brush or vacuuI*l lint
and dirt fl'om the condenser once a year.
A dirty or clogged condenser:
Prevents proper airflow.
Reduces ice making cai)acity.
Causes higher than recommended operating
temperatures which may lead to component
1. UnI)lug tile icemaker or disconnect power.
2. Remove the 2 screws in the lower access
panel and tile 2 screws fl'oln tile base grille
area of tile fl'ont panel sui)port. Pull fin'ward
to remove the lower access panel.
3. Pull tile bottom forward and then pull down
to Yei//ove tile lower access l)allel.
4. Remove dirt and lint fl'om tile condenser
fins and tile unit compartment with a b_ush
attachment attached to a vac/l/lI// cleaner.
5. Replace tile lower access panel using tile
4 screws.
6. Plug in the icemaker or reconnect power.