
(on some mo&l,_)
The rotisserie sys_en3is designed _o cook i_ems
from _he back of the grill using in_iared heat.
The rotisserie motor is equipped wffh metal
gears and is capable of turning up to a 12, 15
or 20 lb. cut ofmea_ or poultry, depending on
_he model. The actual capaci V is limited by
demance and 5no[or [orq33e.
Maximum 24" mode[ ............. 12 [b, t.rkey
Maxim.m 27" mode[ ............. 15 [b, tu_Sey
Maxim.m 36'_ 48" modeZs ......... 20 tb, tu_Sey
The rotisserie burner (on some models) is an
in_ared _ype which provides imense searing
radiam heat. This imense hea_ is magnificem
for searing in _he natural juices and nutriems
found in quali_y cuts of meat.
Once li_,_he rotisserie burner will reach cooking
_emperamres in abom 1 minme. The orange/red
glow will even out in abom 5 minutes.
This apphance rotisserie motor is equipped
whh a _hree-prong (grounding) plug fisr your
pro_ecfion agains_ shock hazard and should be
plugged directly imo a properly grounded
_hree-prong receptacle, r)o no[ cut 05-remove
_he grounding prong from _he plug.
Electrical Grounding irzstructions
The rotisserie motor mus_ be ele(_rically
grounded in a(cordance wi_h local codes or,
in _he absence oflocal codes, wi_h _he National
Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70-1990.
If an extension (:or(] is required _o operate _he
rotisserie motor, use only a grounded cord
approve(] for omdoor use. Use as shor_ of cord
as possible an(] avoid we_ areas.
AVER TISSE ENT : I structions de raised la terre dlectrique
(e mo_eur de la r6fisserie de Fappareil es_
nmni d'une fiche fi _rois broches (raise ;i la
tene) pour vo_re pro_ecfion comte le risque
de choc e_ doi_ 6_re bran(h4 dire(_emem dans
une prise de couran_ fi u:ois alvdoles dim3em
relide fi la _erre. Ne pas couper ni enlever de
la fiche la broche de liaison fi la _erre.
Si une rallonge es_ requise pour faire
fonc_ionner le mo_eur de la r6tisserie,
miliser un cordon reli4 fl la _erre e_ approuvd
pour milisation en plein air. Utiliser un
cordon aussi cour_ que possible e_ dvffer les
endroi_s mouillds.
Le mo_eur de la r6_isserie doi_ 6_re reli4 fila
_erre 41ec_riquemen_ conforn3dmen_ aux codes
locanx o33,fi ddfam de codes locaux, selon le
Code 41ec_rique national, ANSUNFPA 70-1990.