
The Rotisserie System
Stai_le,_,_ Steel Outdoor Cool;i_g Ce_ter
To light the
(orlsome modeL_)
Open the lid. Push the control knob to the
I,ITE position.
Press the safety valve button, hold in, and
begin turning the rotary ignitor button located
next to the control knob. It may be necessary to
mrn the ignitor knob several times until the
burner lights. You will hear a snapping sound.
At the same time, a spark will be provided at
the sate b"probe. Once the burner ignites, hold
the safeb _valve button in fi)r about 10 seconds
or until the burner remains lit.
This is the only burner on the grill with a sateb_
valve. Once lit, turn the control knob to the
desired setting.
If the burner does not light within 4 seconds,
release the safety valve button and turn the
control knob to OFF.
If the ignitor does not flmction, the burner can
be lit by holding a lit match to the burner (with
the control knob at LITE and the safety valve
button pressed),
Wait 5 minutes before relighting a hot
rotisserie burner.
NOTE: The location of the rotisserie burner
makes it susceptible to strong wind conditions,
more so than the protected grill burners.
For this reason you should avoid utilizing the
rotisserie burner during windy conditions.
As an added precaution we've equipped the
burner with an automatic sateb_ valve which
will not allow gas to flow to the rotisserie
burner unless the following conditions are
present with the knob on:
1. The safety valve button is pressed.
2. The safety probe is suffidently heated to
open the valve.
To help you in planning }our rodsserie
{ooking, d_ese aFe represemad_e {ooking
dines. Re_er U>a cookbook for suggested
marinade and mem_ ideas.
Food Setting Approx. Time
Large chicken thighs/kabobs Med. High 40 minutes
Rack of spare ribs High 50 minutes
12-15 lb. Turkey High 3 hours
10 lb. Pork roast High 11/_-2hours
8-12 Lamb chops Med. High 20-25 minutes