
Ca -e and Cleaning
Stainless Steel Outdoor Cooking Center
Grill rack(s) The easiest way to clean the grill is immediately
aider cooking is completed and after turning
off the flame. Wear a barbeque miu to protect
your hand tiom die heat and steam. Dip a
brass brisde barbeque brash in tap water and
scrub the hot grill. Drip file brush ffequendy in
the bowl of water. Steam, created as water
contacts the hot grill, assists the cleaning
process by so_ening any food pardcles. The
food particles will tMI onto the hot lava rocks
or ceramic briquettes and burn or fall imo die
drip tray (on some models). If the grill is
allowed to cool before (>leaning, (>leaning will
be more difficult.
For harder baked-on food particles, remove file
grill rack and soak for about one hour in warm
water. Lightly scrub with a Scotch Brite :_pad.
Drip trays
((m some modeĀ£)
Tile flfll width drip trays will collect grease flom Allow the pan and its contents to cool betore
the grill section as well as boilovers and spills attempting to clean. Clean the grease tiom the
flom the range-top burners (on some models), pan often to avoid the possibili/y of a grease fire.
Lava rocks
(on some model, s)
It is not necessary to remove the lava rocks tor
cleaning. They burn themselves clean during
the next cooking operation. Periodically the
rocks need to be turned over tor a thorough
cleaning. How often you use the grill and the
amount and type oftood cooked will determine
when it is necessary to turn the lava rocks.
If grease can be seen on the top of the rocks
or if you get a lot of flare-ups during cooking,
the rocks need to be turned over and heated
on HIGH fin about 30 minutes, longer fin.
hea W soil.
Tile layer of ceramic briquettes, under tile grill
rack(s), will last tor many years with proper care.
Burned-on fi)od particles and ash can be
emptied off the stainless steel radiant trays
when cool by shaking over a waste receptacle.
After emptying tile ash fl'om the trays, replace
them with the small tray in the back and the
large tray in the flont. Make sure the briquettes
do not cover the holes in the tray.
Chipping or cracking of tile briquettes
m W occur as they m W get brittle with age,
depending on the flequemy of use. This is
normal and does not aflect the pertormance.
Do not replace the stainless steel radiant trays
with ahernates. Should the ceramic briquettes
ever need to be replaced, purchase them
locally, wherever outdoor cooking centers
are soM.