
received a
hmnediatel_ contact the dealer (or builder) that
sold _ou the warmii_g drawer.
Save time
& mon
Befiwe you request set\ice, check the Before You It lists causes of minor oi)erating i)roblelns that
Call For Serxice section in the back of this guide, you can correct xourself.
To obtain service, see the (_ot_sutner Services
page in the back of this guide.
_'e're proud of our service and want wm to be
pleased. If for solne reason you are not hal)py
with the service you receive, here are two steps
to fi_llow fin" fiu'ther hell),
For customers in the USA:
FIRST, contact the people who serviced wmr
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.
In most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT, if wm are still not pleased, write all the
details--ii_cluding your i)hone immbei_to:
Managei; Customer Relations
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
I,ouisville, KY 40225
For customers in Canada:
FIRST, contact the people who serviced vour
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.
In most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT, if win are still not pleased, write all the
details--inchlding your i)hone nulnbei_to:
Manager, (;onsulner Relations
Cam co Inc.
1 Factory Lane, Suite 310
Moncton, N.B. E1C 9M3