User's Manual

AC65/AC75 Hardware Interface Description
Confidential / Preliminary
AC65/AC75_hd_v00.372 Page 28 of 118 2006-08-03
3.3 Power-Up / Power-Down Scenarios
In general, be sure not to turn on AC65/AC75 while it is beyond the safety limits of voltage
and temperature stated in Chapter 5.1. AC65/AC75 would immediately switch off after having
started and detected these inappropriate conditions. In extreme cases this can cause
permanent damage to the module.
3.3.1 Turn on AC65/AC75
AC65/AC75 can be started in a variety of ways as described in the following sections:
Hardware driven start-up by IGT line: starts Normal mode or Airplane mode (see Section
Software controlled reset by AT+CFUN command: starts Normal mode or Airplane mode
(see Section
Hardware driven start-up by VCHARGE line: starts charging algorithm and Charge-only
mode (see Section
Wake-up from Power-down mode by using RTC interrupt: starts Airplane mode
The option whether to start into Normal mode or Airplane mode depends on the settings
made with the AT^SCFG command or AT+CALA. With AT+CALA, followed by AT^SMSO the
module can be configured to restart into Airplane mode at a scheduled alarm time. Switching
back and forth between Normal mode and Airplane mode is possible any time during
operation by using the AT^SCFG command.
After startup or mode change the following URCs indicate the module’s ready state:
“SYSSTART” indicates that the module has entered Normal mode.
“^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE” indicates that the module has entered Airplane mode.
“^SYSSTART CHARGE ONLY MODE” indicates that the module has entered the
Charge-only mode.
These URCs are indicated only if the module is set to a fixed bit rate, i.e. they do not appear
if autobauding is enabled (AT+IPR0).
Detailed explanations on AT^SCFG, AT+CFUN, AT+CALA, Airplane mode and AT+IPR can
be found in [1]. Turn on AC65/AC75 Using Ignition Line IGT
When AC65/AC75 is in Power-down mode or Charge-only mode, it can be started to Normal
mode or Airplane mode by driving the IGT (ignition) line to ground. This must be
accomplished with an open drain/collector driver to avoid current flowing into this pin.
The module will start up when both of the following two conditions are met:
The supply voltage applied at BATT+ must be in the operating range.
The IGT line needs to be driven low for at least 400ms in Power-down mode or at least
2s in Charge-only mode. When released IGT goes high and causes the module to start.
Considering different strategies of host application design the figures below show two
approaches to meet this requirement: The example in Figure 5 assumes that IGT is activated
after BATT+ has already been applied. The example in Figure 6 assumes that IGT is held
low before BATT+ is switched on. In either case, to power on the module, ensure that low
state of IGT takes at least 400ms (Power-down mode) or 2s (Charge-only mode) from the
moment the voltage at BATT+ is available. For Charge-only mode see also Chapter 3.5.6.