User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ELS61-AUS Hardware Interface Description
3.2 Power Up/Power Down Scenarios
ELS61-AUS_HID_v00.031 2016-06-03
Confidential / Preliminary
Page 56 of 102 Switch on ELS61-AUS Using ON Signal
When the operating voltage BATT+ is applied, ELS61-AUS can be switched on by means of the
ON signal.
The ON signal is an edge triggered signal and only allows the input voltage level of the VDDLP
signal. The module starts into normal mode on detecting the rising edge of the ON signal.
The following Figure 31 shows recommendations for possible switch-on circuits.
Figure 31: ON circuit options
It is recommended to set a serial 1kOhm resistor between the ON circuit and the external ca-
pacitor or battery at the VDDLP power supply (i.e., RTC backup circuit). This serial resistor pro-
tection is necessary in case the capacitor or battery has low power (is empty).
With Option 2 the typical resistor values are: R1 = 150k and R2 = 22k. But the resistor values
depend on the current gain from the employed PNP resistor.
Option 1 Option 2
RTC backup