User's Manual

Chapter 1: Introduction
Thank you for choosing the Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI Adapter. With this Adapter, your
wireless networking experience will be faster and easier than ever.
The Linksys Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI Adapter lets your PC communicate with all three
wireless network standards. With one PCI Adapter, you can connect to Wireless-A (802.11a),
Wireless-G (802.11g) and Wireless-B (802.11b) networks.
Wireless-B networks have a data rate of 11Mbps, and are commonly found in corporate
environments and in homes for household Internet connectivity without the need for running
cables. They're also popping up all over the country in coffee shops, airports, hotels, convention
centers, and other public spaces offering “on the go” connectivity to mobile users.
In high speed or heavy usage environments, Wireless-B is quickly being replaced by a new
standard, Wireless-G, which uses the same 2.4GHz radio band, but at 54Mbps, is almost five
times faster. The third wireless network standard is Wireless-A, which also runs at 54Mbps, but
operates in the less-crowded 5GHz radio band.
Wireless-A is mostly used in corporate installations.
Whichever standard you encounter, the Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI Adapter is ready to
connect. And it's simple to use. Just run the included Setup Wizard, which will walk you through
the configuration, and insert the PCI Adapter into one of your PC’s empty PCI slots. All wireless
communications can be protected by up to 256-bit encryption, so your data stays secure.
Use the instructions in this Guide to help you set up and install the Adapter. These instructions
should be all you need to get the most out of the Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI Adapter.
What’s in this Guide?
This user guide covers the steps for setting up and using the Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI
• Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter describes the Adapter’s applications and this User Guide.
• Chapter 2: Planning Your Wireless Network
This chapter discusses a few of the basics about wireless networking.
• Chapter 3: Getting to Know the Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI Adapter
This chapter describes the physical features of the Adapter.
• Chapter 4: Software Installation and Configuration
This chapter instructs you on how to use the Adapter’s Setup Wizard and configure the Adapter.
• Chapter 5: Hardware Installation
This chapter shows you how to connect the Adapter to your PC.
• Chapter 6: Using the WLAN Monitor
This chapter show you how to use the Adapter’s WLAN Monitor.
• Appendix A: Troubleshooting
This appendix describes some potential problems and solutions, as well as frequently asked
questions, regarding installation and use of the Adapter.
• Appendix B: Wireless Security
This appendix discusses security issues regarding wireless networking and measures you can
take to help protect your wireless network.
• Appendix C: Windows Help
This appendix describes how you can use Windows Help for instructions about networking, such
as installing the TCP/IP protocol.
• Appendix D: Glossary
This appendix gives a brief glossary of terms frequently used in networking.
• Appendix E: Specifications
This appendix provides the Adapter’s technical specifications.
• Appendix F: Warranty Information
This appendix supplies the Adapter’s warranty information.
• Appendix G: Regulatory Information