User Manual

Table Of Contents
Wireless Nd1 PC Card and PCI Adapter
3. I f security is enabled for t he specified wireless net work device, ent er t he N et w or k
key, click N ext , and t hen Connect. I f security is not enabled for t he specified
wireless net work device, click Conne ct .
4. You should now be connected t o the specified wireless net work device.
Using the Configuration Utility
1. Open t he USRobot ics Wireless N d
Configuration Ut ility and select the W ir eless
N et w or ks tab.
2. Pull down t he Add m enu and select Use Ut ilit y.
3. Click Select t o display a list of wireless devices.
4. Select a wireless device.
5. I f you do not see t he correct device, click Refr esh t o updat e t he list . I f you still do
not see the correct device, click Cancel and m anually ent er t he Network Nam e of
the device.
6. Click Ok.
7. Ent er t he appropriate connection and securit y inform ation for t he wireless net work
device, if applicable, and click OK.
8. Click OK and the N d
PC Card or PCI Adapt er will at t em pt a connection t o the
wireless net work. I f the card or adapter does not connect t o the wireless net work,
open the Wireless Networks tab in t he in t he Configurat ion Utilit y, select t he
wireless net work, and click Edit . Verify that t he inform at ion for the wireless
net work device is correct and click OK.
file:///G|/CSO/T-Writer%20Repository/Networking/5419%20Mach-1%20PCI%20Adapter/User%20Guide/connection.html (3 of 3)9/7/2006 9:29:41 AM