User Manual

Table Of Contents
Wireless Nd1 PC Card and PCI Adapter
Security is enabled on m y Wireless Rout er, Access Point , or network aut hent ication
server and m y wireless adapter cannot connect.
The wireless PC Card ( adapt er) does not work properly, and I m ay need to uninstall
the device.
The USRobot ics Nd1 Configurat ion Ut ilit y icon is not displayed in m y system t ray.
The USRobot ics I nst allat ion CD- ROM did not aut om at ically start when I insert ed the
I nstallation CD-ROM.
The wireless client s seem t o be com m unicating, but they do not appear in the M y
Com put er screen or in the M y N e t w ork Pla ces screen.
My com puter does not create a wireless connection to a Wireless Nd1 Rout er after I
changed the settings.
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