User Manual

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Wireless Nd1 PC Card and PCI Adapter
solely at privat e expense. Soft ware is delivered as Com m ercial Com puter Soft ware
as defined in DFARS 252.227- 7014 ( June 1995) or as a com m ercial item as defined
in FAR 2.101( a) and as such is provided wit h only such right s as are provided in U.S.
Robotics standard com m ercial license for the Soft ware. Technical data is provided
with lim ited right s only as provided in DFAR 252.227- 7015 ( Nov 1995) or FAR 52.227-
14 ( June 1987) whichever is applicable. You agree not t o rem ove or deface any
portion of any legend provided on any licensed program or docum ent ation cont ained
in, or delivered to you in conj unction wit h, t his Quick I nstallat ion Guide.
Copyright © 2006 U.S. Robotics Corporat ion. All right s reserved. U.S. Robot ics and
the U.S. Robot ics logo are regist ered tradem arks of U.S. Robotics Corporat ion. Other
product nam es are for ident ificat ion purposes only and m ay be t radem arks of their
respect ive com panies. Product specifications subj ect t o change without not ice.
© 2005- 2006 U.S. Robotics Corporat ion
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