User Manual Part 4

Wireless Nd1 Router User Guide
W ir e le ss N d1 Rou t e r U se r Guide
Hom e
I nst a lla tion
Configura t ion
Tut oria ls
My scanner is not working.
When used wit h m ult i-funct ion print ers t hat scan and copy, the Wireless N d
rout er
only supports print ing. For bi- directional com m unicat ion feat ures, such as scanning,
connect the m ulti- funct ion print er directly to the com puter. Also, notificat ions, such as
low ink or add paper, are not t ransm itted from t he rout er to t he com puter.
© 2006 U.S. Robot ics Corporation
file:///G|/CSO/Documentation/Documentation%20-%20Draft/N...64%20Mach-1%20Router/User%20Guide/English/trouble24.html9/14/2006 2:44:48 PM

Summary of content (63 pages)