Installation Manual

V5 Node B Installation Guide
Version 1.0.6 Page 29 of 44
Step 7 DC Power Connection-Radio Equipment Shelf
The power supply input must be a nominal -48Vdc input, refer to Table 4-1
The connection of the main DC supply is via the cable provided as part of the Radio
Equipment shelf package.
The provided cable assembly has 3 metres of cable with a connector to provide connection
to the Radio Equipment shelf. The tail ends of the cable are stripped and must be terminated
to a permanent connection junction/terminal block. The length of the cable may be
shortened to facilitate installation.
The Main DC supply should be configured with a separate DC return conductor and be
bonded to the common protective earth according to ETSI EN 300 253 v2.1.1 (2002-04)
Clause 6.1
The Main DC supply to the equipment shall also be protected either by a fuse or circuit
breaker at the connection point of the radio equipment shelf power cable.
Only the cable provided with the Radio Equipment shelf should be used.
The connector is keyed to prevent wrong insertion.
Cable connection voltages 0V and -48V are identified on the stripped ends of the power
Figure 5-10 : Power Connection to the Radio Equipment shelf