
Page 31 of 64 General Machine Products Co., Inc.
To ensure reliable service from your Cable Blowing Machine, we recommend the unit be
completely serviced every 6 months
The air chamber should be inspected after each op-
eration for seal damage or wear. Seal cord should be
replaced if damaged or missing and secured in posi-
tion with the adhesive provided.
The cable seals should be checked for damage or
wear and replaced with new ones if required.
ALWAYS apply a smear of silicone grease to the seal
bore and lip when installing the seal on to a cable.
ALWAYS clean out any debris in the air chamber.
Inspect the chain drive blocks for wear each week.
CHECK the chain tension weekly and adjust if necessary with the two ex-
ternal adjustment screws. (Do not over tension) the chain should slightly lift
off the chain guides, when pulled at the center by finger.
THE CHAIN SHOULD BE LUBRICATED EACH TIME USED by application of Metaflux spray
grease 70-88. This is achieved by running the cable blowing machine at about 150 ft/min
(45m/min) without any cable or applied air and carefully inserting the spray tube from the can-
ister into the red painted holes on the operator side of the aluminum drive castings (2). The
spray tube should be carefully inserted until the chain can just be felt and then withdrawn
about 7/8 to 1 inch (20 - 25mm) and spraying for approximately 1 second.
Do not over lubricate, as this may lead to the drive belts being contaminated with lubri-
cant. If contamination does result, wipe the belts clean thoroughly before attempting any
blowing operation. Do not use harsh solvents. (This is based on normal use where the chains
are not exposed to excessive contamination).
Seal Cord Locations