Operation Manual

Digital Effects
CD10 incorporates two digital effects processors:
, which adds ambience to the sound (16 different
modulation effect
, which adds the classical effects of cho-
rus, delay, flanger or rotary (16 different types) to the sound.
Each Style has two effects that change when you change the
The button [DIGITAL EFFECTS] toggle between Effect ON and
OFF. The LED lights up when the effects are activated and turns
off when they are deactivated.
Master Tuning
Changes the pitch of CD10 to adapt it to the tuning of other
instruments of the band. Master Tuning consists of the follow-
ing two sections:
- TRANSPOSER changes the pitch in semitone steps;
- TUNE changes the pitch in steps 1/64th of a semitone (ideal
for tuning to an acoustic instrument with inaccurate tuning).
1. Press [<] to transpose down by a semitone or [>] to trans-
pose up by a semitone.
The minimum value is -6 (semitones) and the maximum
value is +6 (semitones).
2. Whenever you press a TRANSPOSER button, the current
Transpose setting in semitones appears on the display.
1. Press the two buttons [<] and [>] to activate TUNE.
2. Press [<] to lower the tuning by 1/64th of a semitone or [>]
to raise by 1/64th of a semitone.
The minimum value is -48/64 and the maximum value is +
3. Whenever you press a TUNE button, the tuning value ap-
pears on the display.
4. Press the two buttons [<] and [>] together to return to the
TRANSPOSER function.
Drums & Samples Pads
On electric keyboards, the sets of percussive sounds are known
where a different percussion instrument is assigned
to each note of the keyboard. CD10 has eight drumkits and
each Style recalls the drumkit most suited to play its Drum
In addition to the traditional percussion instruments, the CD10
drumkits also contain “special” sounds, called samples.
The three large buttons in the DRUMS & SAMPLES PADS sec-
tion are
and they play the percussion instruments or sam-
The three pads play the sounds contained in the drumkit of the
instrumental Drum section,
sounds contained in the drumkits
assigned as Sounds to the Upper section.
Selecting Sounds & Styles with the [PAGE] buttons
In addition to the standard selection method, Sounds and Styles
can also be selected with the [PAGE<] and [PAGE>] buttons of
the keypad.
Selecting a Sound
1. If this is off, press the [SOUNDS] button to activate it (LED
lights up).
. If you are assigning the Sound to the Lower section, press
and hold the [LOWER] button.
3. Scroll through the Sound bank with the [PAGE<] or [PAGE>]
Selecting a Style
1. If this is off, press the [STYLES] button to activate it (LED
lights up).
2. Scroll through the Style Bank with [PAGE<] or [PAGE>]