Operation Manual

Instrumental sections and Midi channels
Each of the six sections of CD10 corresponds to a Midi chan-
nel (1-16).
The factory default settings are as follows:
Instrumental section Midi channel
Drum 10
Bass 2
Acc1 3
Acc2 6
Lower 4
Upper 5
The corresponding parts on connected Midi devices must be
programmed to the same Midi channels. Here are a number of
practical examples, with CD10 programmed as in the above
If CD10 controls an expander with only the Upper section
extended over the full keyboard extension, the expander
must receive on Midi Channel 5.
If CD10 controls a multi-timbral expander, in other words
with several instrumental sections, the sections of the ex-
pander should be programmed as the sections of CD10:
channel 10 on the Drum section, Channel 2 on the Bass
section, and so on.....
If CD10 is controlled by another instrument, the sections of
the other instrument must be programmed as the CD10 sec-
the sections of CD10 as the master instrument sec-
Common Channel
In addition to the six sections, CD10 receives and transmits
Style control data on a special channel (Style number, tempo,
activation/deactivation of Style control buttons).
This channel, known as the Common Channel, must also be
assigned a MIDI channel, which is generally 1 or 16. By de-
fault, the CD10 MIDI Common is set to channel 16. An instru-
ment transmitting or receiving Style control commands from
CD10 must necessarily transmit or receive these data on the
Common channel.
Programming the Midi Channels of CD10
1. Press the two [MIDI] buttons simultaneously to enter MIDI
2. The first three MIDI pages contain the parameters for the
channels assigned to the sections. Each page is divided into
two sections. The first page contains the Lower and Upper
sections, the second page contains Drum and Bass and the
third, Acc1 and Acc2. The Common Channel is on page
3. Pass from section to section or from page to page with the
[PAGE<] and [PAGE>] buttons.
4. Change the MIDI channel assigned to the section using the
[TEMPO-DATA] buttons.
5. Press both [ESC] buttons simultaneously to escape from MIDI
General Midi
Sound compatibility
General Midi (GM) standards stipulate similar sound mappings
and sound selection methods for different instruments. When
CD10 is controlled by an external sequencer, the correct sounds
will be selected.
CD10 has two sound banks; Bank 2 is General Midi compat-
ible while Bank 1 is slightly different (“Drums” group instead
of “Percussive” group). When the option GENERALMIDI is ON,
a drumkit from the “Drums” group will always be selected on
Midi Channel 10, while the sounds of the other groups (in-
cluding “Percussive”) may be selected on all the other chan-
The sixteen General Midi sections
Six instrument sections that can be controlled directly by CD10,
but the General Midi standard requires that a multi-timbral
expander is able to receive on sixteen different parts.
When the GENERALMIDI option (in MIDI edit) is set to ON,
CD10 receives on sixteen sections, including the six standard
CD10 sections. The following is a map of the sections and cor-
responding MIDI channels.
MIDI channel Part
1 GM 01
7 GM 07
8 GM 08
9 GM 09
11 GM 1 1
12 GM 12
13 GM 13
14 GM 14
15 GM 15
16 GM 16
(or Common Channel)
If you assign a different MIDI channel to an instrument section
of CD10, the channel left “empty” will not be able to receive
CD10 as a slave
Changing the Sound
1. If you need to select a Sound from Bank 2, send the follow-
ing message to the CD10 section:
Control Change 0, value 01
Control Change 0 is often also called Bank Select. It is not
necessary to send this message for Bank 1 Sounds.