Operation Manual

Memory On 112-104
Memory Off 112-40
Eff1 On 112-105
Eff1 Off 112-41
Eff2 On 112-106
Eff2 Off 112-42
Arrange On 112-107
Arrange Off 112-43
Autoset On 112-109
Autoset Off 112-45
Tempo Increment 118-tempo variation by 2
Tempo Decrement 119-tempo variation by 2
In order to synchronise the tempo of CD10 with that of the
master, set the MIDI CLOCK to EXT (
see paragraph on “Special
functions of Midi-Midi Clock”
CD10 as a master
Changing the Sound
When you select a Sound in CD10, the corresponding Pro-
gram Change number is sent to the slaved instrument on the
section corresponding to that of CD10. Even when you change
a Style, the Program Changes of the sections are sent to the
slave instrument.
When you select a Sound of Bank 2, CD10 transmits Control
Change message 0 — with value 01 — just before the Program
Changing the Style
The Styles of the slave instrument must be similar to those of
CD10. If not, ignore the name of the CD10 Style and use only
the number.
The slave instrument must receive the Style change data on a
Midi channel. If possible, assign this channel to the Common
Channel, since CD10 transmits the Style change data on the
Common Channel.
Controlling the Style
The slave instrument must receive the same control messages
utilised by CD10 (
see tables on “Style Control” in previous
If this is not possible, Start/Stop is the only standard Midi mes-
sage that may be received by the slave instrument.
In order to synchronise the slave tempo to that of CD10, set the
see paragraph on “Special func-
tions of the Midi—Midi Clock”
). The slave’s Midi Clock must
be set to EXT.
2. After sending Control Change 0, send the Program Change
number corresponding to the Sound to select. For exam-
ple, in order to select Sound “16 Organ 1” you must send
Program Change number 16.
It is also possible that the master transmits Program Change
numbers from 1 to 128 instead of from 0 to 127. In this
case however, increase the Program Change number to be
sent to CD10 by 1.
3. The Sound selected is assigned to the section.
Changing a Style
1. Send the Program Change number to CD10 corresponding
to the Style to select on the Common Channel. For exam-
ple, in order to select Style “07 Fusion 1” send Program
Change number 7.
2. The Style is selected. The Sounds of the accompaniment
sections change automatically. If the LED of the [AUTOSET]
button is ON, the Sounds of the Upper and Lower sections,
as well as the Tempo will change.
Controlling a Style
In order to simulate the Style controls, send the Program Change
Control Change numbers listed in the following
tables to CD10 on the Common Channel .
These messages, however, are transmitted to another instru-
ment (or computer) when the corresponding buttons are pressed
on the C10 control panel.
Style Control ProgramChange
Intro 121
Fill Basic 122
Fill V ariation 123
Sync Start 124
Variation On 125
Variation Of f 126
End 127
The Control Change messages are always followed by the value
assigned to the same.
Style Control ControlChange-Value
Intro 112-17
Fill Basic 112-18
End 112-19
Sync Start 112-20
Fill V ar 112-37
Variation On 112-102
Variation Of f 112-38
Harmony On 112-103
Harmony Off 112-39