Operation Manual

Changing how the bass part plays (Bass Follow)
Normally, the accompanying Bass part follows exactly what
is played on the keyboard. This happens because the func-
tion Bass Follow is default set to ON. If you want the Bass
part to follow only the Style program ignoring the “foreign”
notes played on the keyboard, set the Bass Follow function
to OFF.
1. Press [MIDI]. The instrument is now in the MIDI mode.
This function allows a melody played in the right hand to be
harmonized with the chords played in the left hand.
Activating the Harmony function
1. Press [HARMONY]. (Its led comes on).
2. The led of the [SPLIT] button comes on automatically. The
Freestyle function is automatically set to OFF.
Now the keyboard is divided into two parts: Upper where
the melody is played and Lower where the chords are
It does not matter whether the Lower instrument part is
active or not: the important thing is that the keyboard is
divided in this way.
How to use the Harmony function
Play a melody with your right hand, while at the same time
playing a note or the notes of a chord with the left hand.
The left hand chord harmonizes with the right hand melody.
Turning off the Harmony function
Press [HARMONY]. (Its led goes out).
Digital Multi-Effects
The CD20/30 incorporates two digital effects processors, each
one being able to produce a separate effect:
- modulation effects, which add the classic chorus, phaser,
flanger, ensemble or rotary effects ([EFF 1] button);
- reverb/delay, which give depth to the sound ( [EFF 2] but-
Each Style has its own two effects which normally change
when the Style is changed.
[EFF 1] and [EFF 2] in the [DIGITAL MULTI EFFECTS] sec-
tion turn the effects on and off. When the led is on it means
that the effects are active, if the led is off they are not active.
The [<] and [>] buttons in the same section select one of the
effects made available by the processor (16 each). The ef-
fects change automatically when the Style is changed if the
[AUTOSET] led is on.
Master Tuning
Alters the CD20/30 tuning to suit the tunings of other instru-
ments in the group. It is made up of two parts:
- The TRANSPOSER changes tuning by semitones;
- TUNE alters the tuning by 1/64 semitone degrees (this is
useful for tuning to an acoustic instrument which is slightly
out of tune).
1. Press [<] to lower intonation by a semitone, or [>] to raise
it by a semitone.
The minimum value is -6 (semitones), the maximum +6
2. Each time a TRANSPOSER button is pressed the number
of semitones is shown on the display.
3. Press both buttons together to bring tuning back to 0
1. Press [<] to lower intonation by 1/64 of a semitone, or [>]
to raise it by 1/64 of a semitone.
The minimum value is -48/64, maximum is +48/64.
2. Each time a TUNE button is pressed, the intonation value
appears on the display.
3. Press both buttons together to bring tuning back to 0
Harmony, Digital Multi-Effects, Master Tuning
2. Run forwards through the “pages” using [PAGE>], until
you reach “EXTRA FUNCTION—Bass Follow”:
3. Set the function to OFF using [TEMPO-DATA]. To reacti-
vate the function, press [TEMPO-DATA] once again.
4. Exit the MIDI mode by pressing the two [ESC] buttons
together. The settings are stored to memory even when
the instrument is switched off.