Operation Manual

4. Only one track at a time can be recorded in RealSong, so
only one track button will flash at a time.
Press the button which corresponds with the track to be
recorded repeatedly until its track name appears on the
5. Select the Sound you want to assign to that track. Only
drumkit sounds can be assigned to the Drum track.
6. Adjust the tempo before starting to record. The new value
will become the initial tempo for the Song.
7. Activate or disactivate the effects; select the effects re-
8. Set the initial track volume using the buttons in the MIXER
9. The split point cannot be changed, because the recording
is made with no keyboard range limits, one track at a time.
1. Press [START/STOP] to start recording.
2. During recording you can change Sound, Tempo and Vol-
ume, use the Damper pedal, activate/disactivate and
change the Effects.
3. Use [START/STOP] to stop recording.
4. The led of the recorded track comes on. An asterisk (*)
appears next to the track name:
5. Select another track and continue recording. If you overdub
a track which is already recorded, the new notes are added
to the track. Use the Erase function, described later, to
cancel any notes which have been added in error.
To exit the “record” mode
Press the two [ESC] buttons together.
The Song name
1. If necessary, press [CHORDS] to put the song into the
“record” mode.
2. Press [CLEAR] to call up the edit and erase menu.
3. Press the [NAME] button (on the keypad) to enter the Song
name or edit an existing name.
4. Use the keypad to key in the letters/numbers (each key
has three characters, which appear one after the other in
cycles each time the key is pressed).
5. Press [PAGE>] to move to the next space. Press [PAGE<]
to move back a space.
6. When you have finished, press both [ESC] buttons to exit
the “record” mode and confirm the Song name.
Changes and corrections
SongStyle and RealSong can be modified by re-entering the
record mode and using the functions called up by the [CLEAR]
and [QUANTIZE] buttons.
Editing the Sound and initial volume
1. Adjust the track volumes (using the buttons in the MIXER
2. Press [CHORDS] to return to the “record” mode. The flash-
ing |R appears on the display.
3. Select the track where you want to change the Sound.
4. Select a different sound for that track.
5. Press [START/STOP] to start recording.
6. Immediately after the initial “count in”, stop the recording
using [START/STOP].
7. Press a different track button if you want to edit another
track. Alternatively, press [ESC] to exit the “record” mode.
How to erase parts (CLEAR)
1. Press [CHORDS] to return to the record mode. The flash-
ing |R appears on the display.
2. Press [CLEAR]. The menu of edit and erase operations
3. Press [CLEAR] to select “Clear”. The CLEAR function ap-
pears on the display:
4. Use [TEMPO-DATA] to select the track you want to can-
In SongStyle you can choose Chord, Lower, Upper, Com-
mon, Tempo, and Pads tracks. In RealSong you can
choose Drum, Bass, Acc1, Acc2, Lower, Upper, Common,
Tempo (use the ERASE function on the Drum part to can-
cel the pads). “All” erases the whole Song.
5. Press [CLEAR] to confirm the track selection.
6. The question “Sure?” appears on the display. Press
[CLEAR] to confirm, or the two [ESC] buttons to cancel
the erase procedure. Alternatively, press one of the track
buttons to cancel the procedure and return to “record”.
Erasing a note or a percussive instrument (ERASE)
1. Press [CHORDS] to return to the record mode. The flash-
ing |R appears on the display.
2. Press [CLEAR]. The menu of edit and erase operations
3. Select “Erase” with the [PAGE>] button.
4. Press [CLEAR] to enter the ERASE function:
5. Select the track on which the note is to be erased using
6. Press [START/STOP] to start Song playback.