Operation Manual

7. Press the note you want to erase just before it is about to
be played. If you are erasing a percussion instrument, hold
down the note for the whole length of the Song.
8. Use [START/STOP] to stop the Song.
9. Select a different track with one of the track buttons. Oth-
erwise, exit the “record” mode by pressing the two [ESC]
buttons together.
Editing Program Changes after the initial one (EDIT—Program
Note: Program Change is the code used by electronic musi-
cal instruments to select a sound. The numbers in the Sound
list give every Sound a Program Change number.
1. Press [CHORDS] to return to the record mode. The flash-
ing |R appears on the display.
2. Press [CLEAR]. The menu of edit and erase operations
3. Select “Edit” with the [PAGE>] button.
4. Press [CLEAR] to get to the “Program Change” page of
the EDIT function:
5. Use [TEMPO-DATA] to select the track where the Pro-
gram Changes are that you want to see.
6. Press [CLEAR] to show the first Program Change found
in the track:
Note: The Program Change at the beginning of the track
cannot be shown or modified with this function.
7. Use [PAGE] to move backwards and forwards between
“Bank” and “Sound”.
The Bank can only be modified if it has already been
changed at least once during recording.
8. Select the Sounds by either using [TEMPO-DATA] or key-
ing in the Program Change number on the keypad.
9. Press [CLEAR] to show the next Program Change. Re-
peat the same procedure for this Program Change. Con-
tinue to select and edit the other Program Changes.
10.After you have seen (and eventually modified) all the Pro-
gram Changes, if you press [CLEAR] the track name will
appear again on the display.
11. Select another track and repeat the changes.
12.Press the two [ESC] buttons to exit from the “record” mode.
Deleting Volume messages (EDIT—ClearVolume)
1. Press [CHORDS] to return to the record mode. The flash-
ing |R appears on the display.
2. Press [CLEAR]. The menu of edit and erase operations
3. Select “Edit” with the [PAGE>] button.
4. Press [CLEAR] to call up the “Program Change” page of
the EDIT function:
5. Press [PAGE>] to call up the “Clear Volume” page of the
EDIT function:
6. Use [TEMPO-DATA] to select the track where the Volume
messages are to be erased.
In SongStyle you can select the Upper and Lower tracks.
In RealSong Drum, Bass, Acc1, Acc2, Lower and Upper
are available. “All” selects all the tracks.
7. Press [CLEAR] to confirm the track selection.
8. The question “Are you sure?” appears on the display. Press
[CLEAR] to cancel the Volume messages (except for the
initial message, which cannot be erased), or alternatively
the two [ESC] buttons to cancel the procedure.
Correcting rhythmic errors (QUANTIZE)
The quantize function moves the beginning of the notes played
“out of time”, so that they fall into a correct rhythmic timing.
1. Press [CHORDS] to enter the record mode (the flashing
|R appears on the display).
2. Press [QUANTIZE]:
3. Use [PAGE] to move from the track name in edit to the
quantize value.
In SongStyle the Upper, Lower and Pads tracks can all be
quantized. In RealSong you can quantize all the instru-
mental tracks.
4. Select the track to be quantized and change the quantize
value with the [TEMPO-DATA] buttons.
The following table shows the quantize values and their
respective musical notations:
Quantize value Musical notation
96 (no quantize)
48 r triplet
32 r
24 x triplet
16 x
12 e triplet
5. Press [START/STOP] to hear the effect of the quantize. If
it is not what you want, stop the track and choose a differ-
ent quantize value.
6. Press [QUANTIZE] to confirm the quantize value for the
chosen part. The question “Sure?” appears.
7. Press [QUANTIZE] to confirm the operation, or the [ESC]
buttons to cancel. Alternatively press one of the track but-
tons to get back to “record”.
Track in edit Quantize Value