Operation Manual

6. Use the [PAGE] buttons to move backwards and forwards
between riff and track. Use the [TEMPO-DATA] buttons to
edit the parameters.
7. Press [CLEAR] to confirm the track selection.
8. The display shows the question “Are you sure?”. Press
[CLEAR] to erase the Volume messages (apart from the
initial one, which cannot be erased), or the two [ESC] but-
tons to cancel the procedure. Alternatively press one of
the track buttons to return to the “record” mode.
How to correct rhythmical errors (QUANTIZE)
The quantize function shifts the beginning of notes played
“out of time”, so that they fall into a precise rhythmic timing.
1. Press [DRUM] to enter the “record” mode.
2. Press [QUANTIZE]:
3. Use the [PAGE] buttons to move through the parameters.
Edit the parameters with the [TEMPO-DATA] buttons.
4. Select the riff. Select the track you want to quantize and
choose the quantize value.
A table showing the quantize values and their equivalent
musical notation is shown in the chapter on Song editing.
5. Press [START/STOP] to hear the result of quantizing. If
you are not happy with it, stop play and choose a different
quantize value.
6. Press [QUANTIZE] to confirm the quantize value for that
particular track. The question “Sure?” will appear.
7. Press [QUANTIZE] to confirm the operation, or the [ESC]
buttons to cancel. Alternatively, press one of the track but-
tons to return to the “record” mode.
Copying one complete Style into another
This operation erases any riffs which may have been recorded
in the Style being edited and makes a complete copy of a
different Style.
Note: The source (original) Style may not have all its riffs
1. Select the destination Style where the copy is to be re-
2. Press [DRUM] to enter the “record” mode.
3. Press [COPY]:
4. Use the keypad to key in the name of the source Style.
“ALL” reminds you that all the riffs will be copied (that is to
say, the whole Style).
5. Press [COPY] to confirm the selection. The confirmation
request: “Copy/Sure?” will appear. Press [COPY] again
to confirm the operation.
Copying a riff from a different Style
1. Select the destination Style where the copy is to be re-
2. Press [DRUM] to enter the “record” mode.
3. Press [COPY].
4. Use the keypad to key in the name of the source Style.
5. Select a different source riff using the [TEMPO-DATA] but-
6. Use the [PAGE] buttons to move backwards and forwards
between the source riff to be copied and the destination
riff. Select a riff with the [TEMPO-DATA] buttons.
7. Press [COPY] to confirm the selection. The confirmation
request: “Copy/Sure?” will appear. Press [COPY] again
to confirm the operation.
Copying a riff within the same Style
1. Press [DRUM] to enter the “record” mode.
2. Press [COPY].
3. The option “ALL” is selected by default, this copies the
whole Style onto itself. Use the [TEMPO-DATA] buttons
to select a different riff:
4. Use the [PAGE] buttons to move backwards and forwards
between the source riff to be copied and the destination
riff. Select a riff with the [TEMPO-DATA] buttons.
5. Press [COPY] to confirm the selection. The confirmation
request: “Copy/Sure?” will appear. Press [COPY] again
to confirm the operation.
As recording a Style is a rather complex procedure, at least
at the beginning it may be helpful to follow these recommen-
dations in order to obtain satisfactory results straight away:
Edit an existing Style after having copied it into a Prog.
Style. Working from tracks which are already there is much
easier than creating from nothing, and helps you under-
stand how the musicians who created the CD20/30
Starting from scratch, be content with recording just some
of the essential parts, for example Drum and Bass or Drum
and Acc1. When you have achieved a satisfactory result,
then you can carry on and record all the tracks.
Record at a very slow tempo, bringing it up to speed only
on completion.
Make use of the automatic correction functions; at first it
may seem difficult to use them, but later you will regard
them as fundamental means necessary for your compo-
Destination StyleSource Style
Source Riff Destination Riff
Quantize value
Destination StyleSource Style