Operation Manual

Local ON/OFF
The CD20/30 parts can play the sounds of a slave instru-
ment without necessarily playing its own internal sounds. The
parts play the slave without using the CD20/30 internal sounds
when the LOCAL OFF function is set.
To play with an external sequencer, (1) set the CD20/30 to
single situation, (2) set the Upper part to Local Off. Activate
Midi Thru on the external sequencer. When you play the CD20/
30 you are hearing the part selected on the sequencer and
not the Upper part of the CD20/30:
1. Press [MIDI] to enter the MIDI programming mode.
2. Use the [Page>] key to reach the “MIDI: Local ON/Off”
3. Press [MIDI] to call up the pages. There are three pages
which each contain two of the six CD20/30 instrument
parts: the first page contains the Lower and Upper parts,
the second is for Drum and Bass, the third covers Acc1
and Acc2.
4. Pass from one page to another and from one part to the
next using [PAGE].
5. Use [TEMPO-DATA] to set the part selected to ON or OFF.
6. Press both [ESC] keys together to exit from the MIDI mode.
These settings will remain in the memory even when the
instrument has been switched off.
Slave Keyboard: Tracks
When used as a slave, the CD20/30 can receive two, six or
sixteen Midi parts. Receiving two parts allows more polyphony
(that is to say, a larger number of voices).
When the master is switched on, the “Slave Keyb: Tracks” (in
the MIDI mode) is automatically set to ON and the CD20/30
receives on six instrument parts. If you only want to use the
Upper and Lower parts then enter the Midi mode and set the
function to OFF.
1. Press [MIDI] to enter the MIDI programming mode.
2. Use the [Page>] key to reach the “Slave Keyb: Tracks”
3. Use [TEMPO-DATA] to set the function to either ON or
4. Press both [ESC] keys together to exit from the MIDI mode.
If the “MIDI:GeneralMidi” option has been set to ON, the CD20/
30 still receives on 16 parts so as to maintain perfect General
Midi compatibility.
MIDI Clock
The Midi Clock controls synchronization between two elec-
tronic musical instruments. “MIDI: Clock Int/Ext = Intern” (in-
ternal) means that the instrument is synchronized to its own
internal tempo and is able to transmit this and subsequent
changes to a slave. “MIDI: Clock Int/Ext = Extern” (external)
means that the instrument is synchronized to the tempo dic-
tated by a master, so to set a Style or Song running it will be
necessary to use the master to start it.
CD20/30 as a master
CD20/30 Clock Internal
slave Clock External
CD20/30 as a slave
CD20/30 Clock External
master Clock Internal
1. Press [MIDI] to enter the MIDI programming mode.
2. Use the [Page>] key to reach the “MIDI:Clock” section.
3. Use [TEMPO-DATA] to set the function to either INTERN
4. Press both [ESC] keys together to exit from the MIDI mode.
These settings will remain in the memory even when the
instrument has been switched off.
Start/Stop ON/OFF
You can choose whether or not the CD20/30 receives and
sends the Start/Stop message. If the function is set to ON the
Start/Stop message is received and sent, but if it is set to
OFF then Start/Stop is ignored.
1. Press [MIDI] to enter the MIDI programming mode.
2. Use the [Page>] key to reach the “MIDI:Slave Keyb-Start/
Stop” section.
3. Use [TEMPO-DATA] to set the function to either ON or
4. Press both [ESC] keys together to exit from the MIDI mode.
These settings will NOT remain in memory after the in-
strument has been switched off.
MIDI Filters
Certain messages can be “filtered” (excluded) from
communucations. This could be useful for solving compat-
ibility problems between the CD20/30 and a Midi song file
programmed for different musical instruments which may use
different Program Changes or messages to those of the CD20/
1. Press [MIDI] to enter the MIDI programming mode.
2. Use the [Page>] key to reach the “MIDI: Filters” section.
Select the “Input” (MIDI IN filters) or the “Output” (MIDI
OUT filters) group using the [Page] key.
3. Press [MIDI] to get to the filter programming pages. Each
page corresponds to a different filter of Midi messages:
Message dispayed Filter
P.Chg Program Change
C.Chg Control Change
Damp Damper Pedal