User's Manual

20-427 Owners Manual Draft
. You must store frequencies into channels before the scanner can scan them. The scanner
does not scan through empty channels.
. To change the scanning direction, press /¥ or ¥ /.
The scanner scans through all channels (except those you have locked out) in the active
banks (see “Turning Channel-Storage Banks Off and On” and “Locking Out Channels or
turning channel-storage banks off and on
To turn off banks while scanning, press the bank’s number key so the bank’s number
disappears. For example, to turn off bank 1, press 1. The scanner does not scan any of the
channels within the banks you turned off.
To turn on banks while scanning, press the number key until the bank’s number appears.
For example to turn bank 1 on again, press 1.
You cannot turn off all banks. There must be at least one active bank.
You can manually select any channel in a bank, even if the bank is turned off.
monitoring a single channel
You can monitor a single channel with your scanner by navigating to that channel while in
manual mode. The scanner will receive traffic on the selected frequency.
deleting frequencies from channels
1. Press MAN.
2. Use the number keys to enter the channel with the frequency you want to delete.
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